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Jim Morrison Blues **

Hola! These are Forum Topix posts addressing the fall of the Bush Nazis; i.e. those who did away with Morrison. Soon the fool will be called noble no more. (Is. 32:5) 9/15 Follow me, I'm the Pied Piper.
"She has robes and she has monkeys,
Lazy diamond studded flunkies."
Do you realize that the lazy diamond-studded flunkies were the monkeys?

"You know that it would be untrue!
You know that I would be a liar!
If I was to say to you,
We couldn't get much higher!"


Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-day
A blood red moon came today.(Joel2:31)
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-day
Plenty of sunshine headed my way.(Ps.148:3)

Poopheads, gentiles, Jews, and gays(Rom.1:16-32)
All been gather'd for this day.(Mic.2:12; Is.65:12)
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-day
My oh my what a wonderful day.(Luke1:45)
From that Word we know so well(Is.55:11)
Ev'ry one goes back to hell.(Pr.15:11;James3:6)

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-day
Plenty of sunshine headed my way.(Is.30:26)
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-day
Wonderful feeling, feeling this way.(Ps.32:11)

Samaria's fallen in her ways (Amos6:1-14;Jer.5:26)
Trained wisdom with nothing to say.(Is.29:14; Ec.10:13)
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-day
My oh my what a wonderful day.
Babylon is falling down(Rev.18)
Ev'ryone is leaving town.(Is.30:17)

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-day
Be joyous the Lord doth say.(Joel2:21;Is.49:13)
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-day
Satan's evil is going away.(Lam.4:15;Eph.6:11; Pr.16:25)

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-day
A blood red moon came today.(Rev.6:12)
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-day
Plenty of sunshine headed my way.(Rev.20:11)

Bobby Meade Israel 8/28/07

Attn: Blocked posts support Samaria's Silent Murder Epidemic. 8/25 "Work to rule" and religious organizations have also figured prominently in this Silent Murder Epidemic as they work with Samaria; i.e. those posing as good Samaritans, to conceal the murderous practices of Hitler's Health Care.(Is.28:13 Ps.63:9-11-King of the Road) As I have written, these chemicals, calcium, sulphur, acid, anthrax, arsenic, phosgene, wormwood, asbestoes, etc. cause numerous ailments such as diabetes, Alzheimers, flu, Parkinson, asthma, whooping cough, thyroid disorders, pneumonia, etc. Consider also that this arises from "Hitler's Health Care", for they used the concentration camps to determine what effects many chemicals had on people, and most of the resulting information has been suppressed so that the medical field may prey on people. 8/22 Syracuse Post Standard reported yesterday that 20 million Americans have diabetes. 8/25 As I learned and revealed from Occupational Health and Safety ('70s & '80s) and other sources in 2001, diabetes is caused by prolonged elevated levels of common chemicals, such as calcium and sulphur, which block the uptake of Zinc and the production of Vit. K; and that causes the pancreas to go awry or shut down. 9/8 In a situation similar to the breast cancer scenario described in Gone to Be A Soldier in the Army of the Lord **** and in a probable response to my futile attempts to obtain a positive xray of the computer chip in my knee, my new homeopathic doctor did a digital exam then obtained an elevated PSA reading from a blood test. Upon inspecting a 2003 diagnostic technique book, I learned that a blood test was not supposed to be taken for four weeks after a digital exam. It appears that if you touch the prostate, it increases PSA levels immediately and for a long time after. Is the whole digital exam and prostate cancer scenario based on manipulated PSA levels? To top it off the Bush Nazis have been dumping calcium chemicals that cause urgent urination, a symptom that leads to digital exams. 8/30 Bush Daddy says that he has been a poophead for seventy years. Is that the seventy year reign of the King of Babylon?(Jer.25:11-16) 70 years of brushing people off, saying they are too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions their stupidity. From FDR to JFK (Jesus Freak Kid they called him.) to W, Bush Daddy has been in control. 9/3 Bush Daddy says that a couple hundred thousand not 7 million Jews died in the Holocaust. 9/7 Osama bin Laden is in the news today. As I have written, Bush Daddy said that bin Laden is a US-educated poophead pal of the Bush Nazis, claiming credit for every poopheaded thing that they do. From Fools of Babylon ***

The Closet

When I wrote this poem, I was convinced that the gays were the main problem; but now I realize that the coprophagists are at the forefront of the iniquity that characterizes the Bush Nazis. Although most of the coprophagists are gay, they are the ones who are most intent on concealing their sexual orientation; thus they are the ones who are probably responsible for AIDS; i.e. Anthrax thriving among the gays who favored "outing" all gays. "Where's" is a three word contraction, meaning "where there is". It has been removed from the english language since I wrote this. Que pasa? Contrary to the required maximum 16 lines of many poetry contests, 28 half-lines in seven verses was the norm for modern poetry, for it was an adaption of the much longer 14 lines of the sonnets. Try writing one perfect 16 syllable line. It took six days to write this poem. Much of the content of this poem is taken from the gay newspapers of DC in the 1980s, for they were trying to get all the gays to come out of the closet. Since I first submitted this poem to the Library of Congress for the Best Poem of the 20th Century contest in 1989, the Bush Nazis have apparently been preying on anyone who praises this poem or says that it is perfect.


Where love and truth wither and die,
Where gays say, "United we fly!"
Where yes means no, and no means yes,
Where those without can only guess.

Where selfish loveless people play,
Where those with God refuse to stay.
Where the game is played by the priest,
Where the one upheld is a "Beast".

Where folly reigns and lies are true,
Where jobs appear "out of the blue".
Where "fair is foul" and "foul is fair",
Where deceit reigns throughout the air.

Where gay women frustrate men,
Where those without are pecked like hens.
Where men are girls and girls are tough,
Where consummation's not enough.

Where darkness permits AIDS to thrive,
Where chaos reigns and talk is jive.
Where rational thought is not sought,
Where trained wisdom is all for naught.

Where the aim is domination,
Where drugs supply recreation.
Where plots and schemes are made to cheat,
Where crime and justice never meet.

Where's naught to fear but a number,
Where jests are made of His thunder.
Where the destination is hell.
Where they all say,"It's just as well."

Copyright 9/18/90 Robert Meade"Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Poetry readings are called for here. "Feeling alone, the army's up the road, salvation a la mode, and a cup of tea" I. Anderson, The English Doctor

Attn: Blocked posts support Samaria's Silent Murder Epidemic. 8/25 "Work to rule" and religious organizations have also figured prominently in this Silent Murder Epidemic as they work with Samaria; i.e. those posing as good Samaritans, to conceal the murderous practices of Hitler's Health Care.(Is. 28:13 Ps. 63:9-11-King of the Road) 8/30 Bush Daddy says that he has been a poophead for seventy years. Is that the seventy year reign of the King of Babylon?(Jer. 25:11-16) 70 years of brushing people off, saying they are too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions their stupidity. From FDR to JFK (Jesus Freak Kid they called him.) to W, Bush Daddy has been in control. 9/3 Bush Daddy says that a couple hundred thousand not 7 million Jews died in the Holocaust; i.e. Jews who opposed the reign of the Bush Nazis. Don't forget that #2 Nazi, Hermann Goering said, "I decide who is or is not a Jew." Meanwhile back at the ranch, Bush Daddy says that he is sending out the most pathetic old poopheads, saying that these are the ones to kill. From Fools of Babylon **

Jim Morrison Blues

Jim Morrison returns! "World's been breeding poopheads, heh?" Pity the poopheads? You should not spare them, harbor them, conceal them, etc. You should know better than that. Above all, you do not argue with their stupidity. Do they get all emotional? They fake emotions! They can't feel emotions! Their brains have been fried! They want you to pity them so they can go out and do something more detestable. ""Were they ashamed when they committed abomination? No, they were not at all ashamed; they did not know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall", says the Lord." (Jer.6:15;8:12) As you should know, the lawless Israelites did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and served the Baals; i.e. Bush's Asinine Anal Lovers (see Bush Daddy Religion), and they forsook their Lord.(Judges2:11) The Bush Nazis have been given power to rule until God's word are fulfilled (Rev.17:17) i.e. until they are all killed. There is no war in Gaza, Iraq or Afghanistan! It is poopheads blowing people up, and the System is set up to protect poopheads. Poopheads tricking people into blowing themselves up etc. Rumors of War! Nothing more, nothing less. There's a better word, but it's considered profanity. I am talking about those who feed on the secret "power food" of the Moabite women of Shittim, which gave us a word that means feces.(Num.25:1) No matter how stupid poopheads are, they can be convinced that they can do anything; thus were born the presidential poopheads of Kennebunkport. Bush Daddy also said that this arises because these women have been breediing poopheads. Like was done to them, they fry their children's brains with poop. Replacing the sulphurous fire of the Bible(Gen.19:24) with poop, they've become Egyptians, offering their children to Molech; i.e. an appalling sacrifice. (Lev. 18:21; Ez. 20:26; Is. 13:16) Jim Morrison was rolled in Miami Hoyt Auditorium, where they stuffed a fatal dose of poop in his mouth and made him swallow it. There was no recovery. Before and after pictures of Morrison show the effect of that incident. To those who messed with Morrison or have been altering his music: "Come 'round the bend. You know it's The End!" Terry Garahan, alleged social worker from Ithaca, is the one who did this to Morrison. NYT 9/6/2000, features Ithaca's jump-out medication squad with Garahan. NY AG office said 2004 that Garahan had a masters in Social Work from George Mason U.. How? He never graduated from anything!

Attn: Blocked posts support Samaria's Silent Murder Epidemic. 8/25 "Work to rule" and religious organizations have also figured prominently in this Silent Murder Epidemic as they work with Samaria; i.e. those posing as good Samaritans, to conceal the murderous practices of Hitler's Health Care.(Is. 28:13 Ps. 63:9-11-King of the Road) 8/30 Bush Daddy says that he has been a poophead for seventy years. Is that the seventy year reign of the King of Babylon?(Jer. 25:11-16) 70 years of brushing people off, saying they are too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions their stupidity. From FDR to JFK (Jesus Freak Kid they called him.) to W, Bush Daddy has been in control. 9/3 Bush Daddy says that a couple hundred thousand not 7 million Jews died in the Holocaust; i.e. Jews who opposed the reign of the Bush Nazis. Don't forget that #2 Nazi, Hermann Goering said, "I decide who is or is not a Jew." Meanwhile back at the ranch, Bush Daddy says that he is sending out the most pathetic old poopheads, saying that these are the ones to kill. From Fools of Babylon **

From Comment on Make B. Meade Go Away in The Auburn Plainsman: .....9/8 In a situation similar to the breast cancer scenario described in the Gone to Be.. article and in a probable response to my futile attempts to obtain a positive xray of the computer chip in my knee, my new homeopathic doctor did a digital exam then obtained an elevated PSA reading from a blood test. Upon inspecting a 2003 diagnostic technique book, I learned that a blood test was not supposed to be taken for four weeks after a digital exam. It appears that if you touch the prostate, it increases PSA levels immediately and for a long time after. Is the whole digital exam and prostate cancer scenario based on manipulated PSA levels? To top it off the Bush Nazis have been dumping calcium chemicals that cause urgent urination, a symptom that leads to digital exams. (Do you remember Biggie Smalls thanking the USPO for not violating his ass? Go find out if they are the ones who promoted this digital exam, saying they were fighting prostate cancer in the PO. Go try to find a picture of prostate cancer. Make yourself useful. Or just "turn around, go back down, back the way you came!" Bo Diddley said that.)

Speaking of the PO, here is what I found instead of my article, Babylon, Pride of Man **** on Buffalo IMC and claim that is proof that they are using PO supercomputers to shut down IMCs like Buffalo's:

Warning: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: connectDBStart() -- connect() failed: Connection refused Is the postmaster running at 'localhost' and accepting connections on Unix socket '5432'? in /home/www/active-cvs/buffalo/shared/db_class.php3 on line 34
Cannot get a connection to postgreSQL database!

9/12 Do you forget that Bush Daddy arrived 6/12/24? Note that Jim Morrison left The Doors on 12/12/70. Did the Bush Nazis come out and feign distress and regret over 9/11 yesterday so that they can go out and do something more detestable? Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy's own mouth and ears? Do you hesitate to fulfill the Sovereign Lord's words against them? Do you want to send them a message? Send them a message as was delivered to me in the Emergency Room of Georgetown Medical Center. Just twist their leg until it breaks. It's a Bush Nazi joke from Bush Daddy himself. You can create a famine for the word of the Lord. They shall run to and fro seeking the word of the Lord, but they shall not find it. (Amos 8:11-12) Word? Message? Joke? Huh? Send them to Hitler's Health Care. I'm sure there is one in your neighborhood.

"This is the way, "walk" in it." (Is. 30:21; 48:17) Can't teach a joke? A move? A method? A maneuver? Remember that you can't teach an idiotic moron much and that you can't teach a moronic idiot anything.

Babylonian Fool Notes

These chemicals, calcium, sulphur, acid, anthrax, arsenic, phosgene, asbestoes, etc. cause numerous ailments such as diabetes, Alzheimers, flu, asthma, whooping cough, thyroid disorders, pneumonia, etc. Consider also that this arises from Hitler's Health Care, for they used the concentration camps to determine what effects many chemicals had on people, and most of the information has been suppressed so that the medical field may prey on people. 8/25 "Work to rule" and religious organizations have also figured prominently in this Silent Murder Epidemic as they work with Samaria; i.e. those posing as good Samaritans, to conceal the murderous practices of Hitler's Health Care.(Is.28:13 Ps.63:9-11-King of the Road) Bush Daddy says that he has been a poophead for seventy years. Is that the seventy year reign of the King of Babylon?(Jer.25:11-16) 70 years of brushing people off, saying they are too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions their stupidity. From FDR to JFK (Jesus Freak Kid they called him)to W, Bush Daddy has been in control. 9/3 Bush Daddy says that a couple hundred thousand not 7 million Jews died in the Holocaust; i.e. Jews who opposed the reign of the Bush Nazis. Don't forget that #2 Nazi, Hermann Goering said, "I decide who is or is not a Jew." The alleged war in Iraq is poopheads blowing people up, and the System is set up to protect poopheads. Poopheads tricking people into blowing themselves up etc. Rumors of War! Nothing more, nothing less... "The day of their watchmen, of their being given attention, has come."(Mic. 7:4) I presume that this means that all soldiers should assume the role of observers on the defense, for the look on their faces betrays those who have been promoting a world of poopheads.(Is. 3:9) All the watchman has to do is say something that results in the dumkopfs betraying themselves, then the watchman identifies them and watches what happens. The soldiers should be in secure bulletproof outposts. That is the way to help people over there. Also you were supposed to unmasked the veiled women 2/24/07. Don't you understand that terrorists dressed in drag are being shuttled about by them? As I have written, the Lord will take away all of their finery, their hoods, and their veils.(Is.3:16-25) 9/8 My new homeopathic doctor did a digital exam then obtained an elevated PSA reading from a blood test. Upon inspecting a 2003 diagnostic technique book, I learned that a blood test was not supposed to be taken for four weeks after a digital exam. It appears that if you touch the prostate, it increases PSA levels immediately and for long after. Is the whole digital exam and prostate cancer scenario based on manipulated PSA levels? To top it off the Bush Nazis have been dumping calcium chemicals that cause urgent urination, which leads to digital exams. Do you remember Biggie Smalls thanking the USPO for not violating his ass? Go find out if they are the ones who promoted this digital exam, saying they were fighting cancer in the PO. 9/12 Did the Bush Nazis come out and feign distress and regret over 9/11 yesterday so that they can go out and do something more detestable?(Ez.8:13) Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy's own mouth and ears? Do you hesitate to fulfill the Lord's words against them? Send them a message as was delivered to me in the ER of Georgetown Medical Center. Just twist their leg until it breaks. It's a Bush Nazi joke from Bush Daddy himself. Send them to Hitler's Health Care. I'm sure there is one in your neighborhood. Create a famine for the word of the Lord. They shall run to and fro seeking the word of the Lord, but they shall not find it.(Amos8:11-12) Word? Message? Joke? Huh? "This is the way, "walk" in it." (Is.30:21;48:17) Can't teach a joke? A move? A maneuver? Remember that you can't teach an idiotic moron much and that you can't teach a moronic idiot anything. From Fools of Babylon ***

Bush Daddy said that there is no recovery from biopsy of the prostate.

Trust in me, I'm the Pied Piper!

Can't you see, I'm the Pied Piper!

I'm the Pied Piper, and I'll show you where it's at!

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