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LOCAL News :: Military : Protest Activity : War in Iraq

September 15, 2007 Antiwar Rally, March and Die-In

On Saturday, September 15, 2007, the ANSWER Coalition, a progressive antiwar group, sponsored a Mass March and Die-In in Washington, D.C.
On Saturday, September 15, 2007, the ANSWER Coalition, a progressive antiwar group, sponsored a Mass March and Die-In in Washington, D.C. Its purpose was to raise the consciousness of enough people in this country to stop the illegal and immoral Iraq War and to prevent the Bush-Cheney Gang from launching a war against Iran. The rally took place in Lafayette Park, just north of the White House, where a number of prominent speakers were heard. Fifteen of the speakers are heard on the tape below.

The rally and speeches was followed by a march by the demonstrators to the U.S. Capitol, where a symbolic “Die-In” took place. The later affair was led by members of the Iraq Veterans Against the War. ANSWER Coalition officials now estimate, as of Sept. 16th, that about 5,000 of the 100,000 protesters at the rally took part in the “Die-In” part of the event. They also report that about 200 of the demonstrators were arrested at the Capitol Hill site.

A handful of those arrests are shown on this video. Some of them were arrested by Capitol Hill police for failing to obey a police order, or for crossing a police line, and/or for possibly various other charges, too. One of the protesters arrested was Brian Becker, National Coordinator for the ANSWER Coalition. For additional details, and updates, on the Sept. 15th rally, and for the exact number of arrests and other particulars, please see:

Video (1 hour, 3 minutes)

Ten of the speakers’ remarks at this event
can also be found at:

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