Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Economy : Globalization

October 19-21 mobilization update #2

Tear Down the World Bank and IMF! Raise up the resistance!
Mobilization Update #2

Global capitalism is facing unprecedented global resistance!
In Brazil – the landless workers movement (MST) continues to take land for the landless.
In Nigeria – people in the Niger delta continue to resist the oil and gas industry that threatens their existence.
In Egypt – there has been a wave of strikes this year by workers protesting neoliberal restructuring.
Here in the United States – ten thousand immigrants defied a climate of racism and fear to demonstrate against a legislative attack on immigrants’ human rights in Prince William County, Virginia on September 2.

Be a part of these global movements – come to Washington, DC, from October 18-21 to confront the forces of global capitalism during the IMF/World Bank meetings!

* For more information on the mobilization:
* Next meeting in DC to plan for the actions: Saturday 9/29/2007, 3 pm, Petworth Public Library, Georgia and Kansas Ave. NW, near Petworth Metro.
* Not in DC? Interested in mobilizing in your community? Check out our website and find out how you can plug in!

Contents of this update:
1. Action plans till date.
2. Endorsers of the mobilization so far
3. Materials available!
4. We need your help....

1. Action plans till date
Here’s a tentative action calendar – keep checking the website for details.
Thursday, October 18
-workshops/trainings (e.g. action training, know your rights training, medic training) @ place TBD during the day
-spokescouncil to finalize plans for Friday
-big teach-in connecting local and global struggles against neoliberalism
Friday, October 19
-12 PM-2 PM Rally/press conference at ICE (between 4th and 5th on Eye Street)
-5-7 PM Dinner and Workshop/Talk on the History of Georgetown @ St. Stephen's
-9 PM Rowdy March on Georgetown.
Saturday, October 20
-10 AM to 11:30 AM/noon Gentrification tours
-12:30 PM permitted march to World Bank/IMF ending at the People's Tribunal (trial of the World Bank, the IMF, the Mayor and City Council of DC, and other destructive forces). March starts at Franklin Park, between 13th, 14th, I & St. NW, near Metro Center.
-6:30 PM meeting to disperse necessary information(about any arrests/non-arrests/make decisions about any evening events
Sunday, October 21
-breakfast @ place TBD for evaluation of weekend

2. New endorsers of the mobilization!
• Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)
• Korean Americans for Fair Trade
With this, we have 15 local and national organizations on board with the mobilization!
Want to endorse the actions? Please contact <>.

3. Materials available!
• We have flyers, posters and other materials in English and Spanish available for download on the website (, and soon we’ll have more. So download them, photocopy them, and use them in your local outreach! .
• We did a mass mailing of materials to interested groups and people already, but if you weren’t on our distribution list,, and want an organizing package, please e-mail to let us know.

4. We need your help!
The October coalition has the following working groups. Please contact whichever group(s) you’re interested in helping/working with. - to contact the actions working group, if you can help with legal and medic support, action training, etc. for the direct actions and permitted actions. - to contact the materials (flyers, posters, website content etc.) working group, to help with producing and translating materials. - to contact the logistics and fundraising working group, to help with housing, food, fundraising and in-kind resources. - to contact the outreach working group, to help with local and nationwide outreach to build what will hopefully be a huge mobilization!

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