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News :: War in Iraq

Jim Moran's Mouth, Again

Jim Moran's Mouth, Again
Jim Moran's Mouth, Again

justicequest2000 wrote (in the comments section associated with the above Op-Ed appearing in the Washington Post today):

Can I assume that Mr. King hasn't even read the new book (The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy - see by respected political science professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt about the power/influence of the pro-Israel lobby (AIPAC, JINSA, etc) and how it pushed for the attack on Iraq and has been doing similar to get US to attack Iran. Can I assume that Mr. King also hasn't read the third edition of former Republican Congressman Paul Findley's 'They Dare to Speak Out' book either. Mr. King might be interested in accessing the following URL as well which conveys how CBS '60 Minutes' is refusing to do a segment about the Mearsheimer/Walt book:

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