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Poems Against War Reading at Minas Gallery

Poems Against War: A Journal of Poetry and Action will host its debut reading for its sixth issue, "Music and Heroes," on Sunday, Sept. 16. The reading will last from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., hosted by the Maryland State Poetry & Literary Society.

SUNDAY, Sept. 16, 4PM to 6PM at Minas Gallery in Hampden, Baltimore

Short story writer Jen Michalski and "Poems Against War" magazine poets!

Jen Michalski, local fiction writer and editor of the on-line literary e-zine JMWW, reads selections from her collection of stories, Close Encounters, published in June 2007 by SoNew Media. She will be followed by a round robin reading of anti-war poems in celebration of the sixth issue of Poems Against War, "Music & Heros" (Wasteland Press). Journal editor Gregg Mosson will read American war poems from Walt Whitman, Robert Bly, Bruce Weigl, Yusef Komunyakaa, and Iraq veteran Brian Turner; followed by the contemporary Baltimore poets from the magazine Charles Rammelkamp and Marcus Colasurdo. Hosted by Brian E. Langston and the Maryland State Poetry & Literary Society. $4 suggested donation.

Minas Gallery is located at 815 W. 36th Street, Baltimore, MD.

The magazine can be found at
It can be ordered at any bookstore.

Sample poem:

Marcus Colasurdo is a poet, writer, and teacher. His novel Angel City Taxi is based on his days as a Los Angeles taxi cab driver. His poetry has appeared in the anthology Familiar (The People's Press, 2005), among other places.

Jen Michalski lives in Baltimore. Her work has appeared in more than 25 publications, including McSweeney's, Failbetter, The Pedestal Magazine, The Summerset Review, and The Potomac. Her collection of short fiction, Close Encounters, is available from SoNew Media ( ). She is the editor in chief of the online literary e-zine JMWW (
Gregg Mosson is a writer, independent reporter, and editor of "Poems Against War: Music and Heroes" (Wasteland Press). His first book of poems, Season of Flowers and Dust, will debut from Goose River Press in Oct. 2007. He has an MA from the Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars, where he was a teaching fellow and lecturer.

Charles Rammelkamp is the author of The Book of Life (March Street Press). For a long time he taught writing classes at Essex Community College in Maryland, among other pursuits.

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