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Bush Daddy Country

It spreads like a "Serpent"!
My Daddy said that although Bush Daddy Country may be centered in Tompkins County, New York; the influence of Bush Daddy Tribe reaches to the ends of the earth. On the local level BDT had anonymous commentors slandering me on Ithaca IMC after they removed all of the spaces for "Bush Daddy Plots and Snares" (199656). Since they slandered me by writing of my "mental disability", I challenged them to find a legitimate doctor who had treated me in 15 months of unlawful hospitalization; furthermore I challenged them to determine how the illiterate Nicholas Exarchou has been been able to pose as a doctor, using the license-#418-02 of Nicholas D. Exarhos, a Greek doctor. I also mentioned my still-current ID for Cornell where I was abducted in December 2001 (180797) and explained how killing or seriously wounding my abductors, Terry Garahan, Daniel Gonzalez, Curt Ostrander, or Don Norman was preferable to trying to take them to court. Let their defenders prove that they were not criminals. This probably resulted in the 8/26/02 Ithaca Journal having a front page picture of the bald, numberless Daniel Gonzalez leading off the "Sixth Annual 'Pud's Run", a race that honors Officer Padula, who was stabbed within an hour of my mistakenly leaving a copy of an article, "Study War No More" at Kinkos on 11/17/96. Message from the Devil? This incident resulted in the formation of Ithaca's "Jump-out Medication Squad", featuring Terry Garahan (See New York Times 9/6/00 Page One). Since former sheriff Emery Guest, Trooper Burling, Trooper Hawkins, and Dan Kornblum also assisted T. Garahan in my 1998 abduction, they are in line for the same (Prov. 11:19). This lawlessness was made obvious when they sent Trooper Sanbro in a drenching downpour with two 10/96 letters to the parents of Sarah Hajney and Jennifer Bolduc who had been butchered by 27 people in Cortland County (93509). Trooper Sanbro threatened me if I tried to contact these parents again, and he is now Sgt. Sanbro. I have looked into why so many lawless members of BDT have gathered in this area (Mic. 2:12), and it looks like it all started in Dryden hundreds of years ago.

"Hail we gladly sound John Dryden! May his famed cycles widen!" is a line in "Hail Heroic Fathers", Dryden's Centennial Music 2/22/1897 that compelled me to study John Dryden (1631-1700), a suave aristocratic wit who led the Tories against the Whigs. He was somewhat of an anarchist with a hatred for the term, "republic", writing "..that mock appearance of a liberty, where all who have not part in government are slaves; and slaves they are of such a viler note than such as are subjects to an absolute dominion". ("John Dryden: A Study of His Poetry" Mark Van Doren 1920). John Dryden hated few people, but he was skilled at putting his contempt into poetry and relied on his artistic expression to achieve his objectives. John Dryden's "closeted" techniques (171618) apparently won him a following among the Zionist settlers who would name Dryden after him in 1797.

The "History of Dryden", a centennial book by George E. Goodrich (1898), reveals that the railroads, water power, and lumber availability made Dryden the population center of Tompkins County in the early 1800s. Since many of the residents were allegedly descended from John Ellis, the "King of Dryden", the song "Hail Heroic Fathers" also reads: "Proud we are to own such breeding; Proud to send it onward speeding; Pure from purity succeeding; Generations down..". This sounds like the "Master Race" talk of World War II (174299). The occurrence of a "terrible scourge" called "Dryden Fever" or a "species of malignant typhoid fever" in the first half of the 19th century was probably a sign that they were using Anthrax for population control (82672 & 156007). Since many Dryden residents moved to North Dakota in the 19th century, that probably explains the hooligans and thugs that made manifest the "Wisconsin Death Trip" (80050) in the 1890s. When I read about Captain Calvin Bush (1781-1864), who served in the militia in the War of 1812, I realized that is why I keep seeing Bush Daddy in this area. Captain Bush apparently disappeared from Dryden as a result of his involvement with freed slaves prior to the Civil War. Bush Daddy reluctantly admits that this is where the African-American Bushes came from. Dr. Francis Cheney (1848-?) is also eulogized as one of the notable men of early Dryden, and that probably explains the Cheney connection at the White House.

Dryden was apparently at the forefront of the abolition movement that led to the Civil War. I don't know if Bush Daddy's ancestor's involvement with freed slaves compelled Dryden to send a regiment to war; but Dryden suffered such losses that they swore that they would never let it happen again. William R. "Daddy" George, a descendent of a Bush Daddy lookalike, Mrs. Alletta George (?-9/12/1869), founded an experimental self-governing reform school, George Junior Republic on 7/10/1895 in Freeville, next to Dryden. In fifteen years George Junior Republic grew to 400 acres with 40 or 50 buildings, including hotels, shops, hospital, jail, courthouse, etc.. There was a lot of hoopla about this school nationwide, but most of the buildings were burned when they apparently realized that Mrs. Alletta George was really Capt. Bush dressed up as a woman, fathering African-American children. (Was "Daddy" a darkie?) According to the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, "..mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory". This racial mixing practice was apparently the hidden cause of the Civil War. Barton Hall, an armory with the largest unsupported roof in the world was apparently built in 1915 to collect the Dryden Zionists who had promoted the rise of Bismarck's German Empire of the Second Reich (174299); but Dryden's Zionists managed to avoid that war where many died in a flu epidemic that was probably caused by Anthrax and other chemicals. For World War II Bush Daddy claims that Dryden helped produce the mouthy Hitler who used a "Poophead Master Race" philosophy to decimate the population of Europe (132033, 166317, & 179472).

Bush Daddy Country continues to spread like a "Serpent" as the sweet mouthy morons of BDT kill off those who will not support them. You have "closeted" leaders like the allegedly imprisoned Abimael Guzman (Chairman Guzman) of the Shining Path Guerillas of Peru, promoting unrest and guerilla warfare throughout the western hemisphere (82678 & 195909). You have up-and-coming leaders like Governor-wannabe, Comptroller McCall being rewarded for ignoring my 12 page claim on Watchman Norm's abandoned property, which has apparently been illegally sold (25099 & 29190). Dryden is infested with "closeted" militants of BDT, walking around with looks on their faces that betray them (Is. 3:9; 197071). The "Finale" (198448) when they are all gathered to Barton Hall is long overdue. The stage was set to reroute Route 13 past Barton Hall and on to the village of McGraw when BDT gave the state reason to raze Cascadilla Way (98219 & 101974). No longer will Route 13 follow a tortuous route through Dryden, and Dryden's quest for immortality will be achieved when they raise up Bush Daddy as the Great Dead King of Israel (Hosea 10:3,15), for Bush Daddy Country was Israel in the making all along.

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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger

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