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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Race and Ethnicity

NOOSE HUNG FROM TREE @ University of MD!!

Many of us have been following the situation facing the Jena 6 down in Louisiana only to be dismayed to find out that you don't have to travel that far south to find bigotry's cowardly manifestations. On September 7th a noose was found hanging outside University of Maryland's Nyumburu Cultural Center, an obvious copycat act inspired by the racists in Jena where a majority of the white population voted for kkk leader david duke when he ran for president. The Black Student Union at UMD is holding their first meeting of the year today 9.10.07 on campus at 5pm. I'm not yet sure of the location but please attend if possible. This has the potential to be a defining moment for race relations at the campus. We must confront bigotry and stomp it out whenever it dares to rear its ugly head!


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