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WHY BUSH demolished the WTCs with explosives: the "2 birds with 1 stone" story

(english) Tuesday 04 Mar 2003
author: architect
WHY BUSH/Israel demolished the WTCs with explosives: two birds with one stone. BIRD ONE: WTCs were 5 TIMES AS EXPENSIVE to take down, insurance money though from terror would be a landfall. BIRD TWO: military invasion requirements of American multinational corporations in the Middle East, and to aid in Greater Zion, "Pearl Harbor" like terror recommended for US soil to get Americans in line. ONE STONE: fake terror to demonize all of Islam and terrorize America under a wacky minority of right wing plutocrats set on an unpopular crusade and global police state.

WTC7 demolition happened FIRST! before WTC1 and WTC2 fell! NOTHING TO DO WITH PLANES CRASHING! SAME WITH WTC1 AND WTC2 COLLAPSES: NOTHING TO DO WITH PLANES CRASHING! IF A BUILDING COLLAPSED SMOOTHLY LIKE THIS IN NEW YORK CITY AND NO ONE REPORTED IT, WHO MADE SURE THAT NO ONE IN THE NEWS HEARD ABOUT IT? WHY BUSH demolished the WTCs with explosives: the two birds with one stone argument ~~ first the background: the WTCs were actually estimated to COST ABOUT 5 TIMES AS MUCH TO REMOVE AS THEY WERE TO BUILD, and this would be happening SOON, CREATING A HUGE CAPITAL LOSS FOR THE OWNERS: within 20 years according to structural architects who analyzed the issue for the previous owners. However, to keep this from being widely known, making WTCs THE LARGEST LEMON PROJECT THE WORLD HAS KNOWN and to keep their resale value, these architects were fired before they completed their very expensive archictural report for the owners, once this was understood by the owners. ok. TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE: a story of fascist global opportunism writ large BIRD ONE TO KILL, THE WTCs: destroying the WTCs with illegal explosives by covert operations was the only way to collect huge winfall losses on "terrorism" clauses in the latest insurance. For the first (and last) time, as the building changed hands months before 9-11, it gained special "terrorism insurance" clauses in place for the first time. BIRD TWO TO KILL: U.S CORPORATE MIDDLE EAST OIL DIFFICULTIES / ZIONISM EXPANSION DIFFICULTIES: Since his 1996 book The Grand Chessboard, Brzezinski has been wishing for (even calling for) a "Pearl Harbor like" terrorism event on US soil that would do various magical tricks: galvanize Americans to support a corporate oil war in the Middle East to plunder Iraq after the failed 1991 invasion; to take over the Caspian Sea areas; to shore up support for the failing state of apartheid based Zionist Israel, last official apartheid state in the world. Plus, Unocal Corporation wanted its stalled pipeline deal through Afghanistan very much, a deal the Afghani Taliban government had refused. ONE STONE: fake terror: fake a terrorism incident of four simultaneous planes to crash into the WTCs, other places (that failed), and the Pentagon (unless it was a missle, which is very likely given the physically hilarious 270 degree turns at 500 miles per hour that (the official story) "a 757" was somehow doing immediately before hitting the Pentagon), be sure to operate the planes by automatic pilot overrides from US military AWACs that were seen in both areas, throughly train the "terrorists" yourself (because you want specific fall guys to pin it on independent Arabs), give them access to U.S. military bases in Florida for flight training and provide them government translators when there were complaints they were unable to speak English or even fly Cesnas straight, be sure to stand down the U.S. air force thanks to Myers (instead of punish him, promote him one week after 9-11 for good work done in letting nothing happen), let the Bin Laden family escape as they are the Saudi Rothchilds and Bush Senior's business partners for 20 years, simultaneously detonate explosives in WTC1, WTC2 (getting rid of those expensive buildings cleanly--if they were only partially damaged that may be even more expensive!), detonate WTC7 as well to destroy secret CIA bunker in that building along with illegal Guiliani additions to the building (destroying supoenaed documents in the WTC7 tidily, just like destroying Gulf War military health records in the Oklahoma City Murrah Building), then let the same private company that cleaned up the Murrah Building in Oklahoma illegally clean up the whole WTC area before any public investigation gets underway, be sure to have Guiliani immediately hand clean up work of the steel evidence (that would show explosion fractures) to a foreign corporation run by a member of the Knights of Malta (Guiliani later knighted into the British Empire as a "thanks"), and be sure to keep investigators intentionally away from the three molten pools of hot steel in the basements of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 (and the huge explosion holes in their basements, seen from the air, particularly WTC7) which would reveal that a combination mass murder, building arson insurance scam (that destroyed 10% of New York to get the money), and global Reichstag fire had occured. Combine this with a freak show-like religiously inspired rightist coup and destruction of the US Bill of Rights, lightly salt all this with US military grade anthrax aimed only at two key Democratic leadership members (strange how the US military or pro-Zionists targed only Democrats--one the head of the party, Daschle, the other the head of the foreign policy commitee--so he'll be willing to go along, or scared to back out, undestanding the dual meaning of being targeted) to keep them in line with a Bush coup that is veering entirely away from the Republican Party even--reminiscent of the unpunished financial Nazi links from which the Bush family was formed), lightly pepper anthrax to the media corporations to get them aware that they are next in line if they fail to report favorably to the coup minded Bush Administration, and top it all off: blame it on helpless Arab victims, despite large Israeli spy rings in the United States that were uncovered and despite dancing and high-fiving Israelis filming themselves (carrying boxcutters, several thousand dollars cash hidden in a sock, and foreign passports-- obviously its important to carry thousands of dollars ready cash and foreign passports while you are only a strong back, working in a downtown New York moving company). Soon however you will be bombing Afghanistan with troops already moved into the area before 9-11, ready to strike (the only way they could have been ready in one month was to pre-plan everything and then be conveniently "shocked, shocked, there is terrorism going on here!", as you are handed your gambling winnings from the NYC Stock Exchange on the only two airlines targeted, the purchase of the stock options made through a bank with an ex-CIA director for its CEO, where the German branch CEO later resigned without explanation two days after 9-11 from his lucrative job. . . Then, Afghanistan! You pull ol Karzai out of the National Security Council, since you know he was an ex Unocal oil company consultant, and before you know it, you mass murder ("by accident" it was said) an entire convoy exclusively made of the Afghani Loya Jirga opposition to the American Karzai appointee. Meanwhile, simmer thoroughly with fake terror alerts whenever people question Bush's motives for being the dorky foolhardy lame brain that he is, and spice to taste with the media blitz firehose that turns on the bin Laden propoganda wherever it is required, like for instance, Afghanistan's neighbor Iraq (without any evidence), and then later admitting to planning with Israel's desires to get rid of Iran and Syria in the immediate vicinity. What about North Korea? Well, that's just the only unforeseen thing in the LARGEST AND LONGEST SMOOTHLY RUNNING HOAX THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN. TWO BIRDS, ONE STONE. WTC: Before the First Cover-up (english) TSGordon 3:23am Sat Mar 1 '03 comment#240991 I was involved with the architectural comittee that worked for a period of over 10 years to evaluate the 'soundness' of the buildings at the WTC. To date, you will not see one word of this in print. The results of our findings are shocking, to say the least! About 2 months after the first bombing attempt, our group was legally 'disbanded' yet we were just weeks from finishing the client's- "Final Report." Some of you are aware that various 'tabs' had been welded to the suspect trusses during various renovation efforts, particularly in the South Tower, where they were applied on several dozen floors. Both buildings eventually received this treatment in sectional groupings of 5 or 6 flooors. To my knowledge, there is nothing 'suspect' about any of this work since it was well doccumented by dozens of firms at the time. 'Strength' was an important issue, up until about 1991, when these efforts were said to have been effectively resolved. Seismic analysis conferred. We were fully convinced, and we had to work there. I mention it because this 'moot issue' will have no real future relevance in any 'viable' procedings... What we learned is that the buildings would only have a total life-span of 50 to 60 years. This established its effective 'half-life,' defining a very important 'date' in insurance terms. Across the street,'the competetion' was attracting our Premier tenants at an astounding rate, some were moving to NJ, which we could observe from our office suite. One group worked on a future 'de-construction'-plan, while ours worked on its 'preservation.' The problem we uncovered, was that every conceivable 'legitimate' approach to destroy these properties, would have cost its owners about 5 times more than they could have possibly recovered in leases! We had no knowledge of any 'association' between the owners and the 'terrorists' who had attempted to bomb it at the time, but this event did signal the end of our research. It is clearly inconceivable that anyone could justify [9/11] as a simple case of 'jewish lightning,' particularly the US State Dept., but I am sure that those who were in financial control were well aware of our figures. I am eager to provide additional info about this to those parties involved in the legitimate investigation of this event.


Mossad Involvement In 911

This is probably the reason 911 is downplayed by so many, because so many were in-the-know....

Let's look at the hard evidence indicating the Mossad had foreknowledge of
the September 11 attack. The day after the attack on the World Trade Center,
the Jerusalem Post, the most respected and famous Israeli newspaper in the
world, reported that 4,000 Israelis were missing in the attack on the WTC.
The Jerusalem Post (08:15 - Wed) Thousands of Israelis missing near WTC,
Pentagon Wednesday September 12, 2001 The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem has
so far received the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the
areas of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attack.
The list is made up of people who have not yet made contact with friends or
family, Army Radio reported.
Telephone connections between Israel and the New York City and Washington,
D.C. areas has been sporadic and unreliable since the multiple attacks
Ten thousand people are estimated to have been killed in the New York
attacks and another 800 in Washington.
Several hundred also went down with the hijacked planes.
September 13, 2001:

Four Israelis were almost certainly in the twin towers of the World Trade
Center when they collapsed, the Israeli consul in New York said this
He added that in all likelihood, four more Israelis in nearby buildings are
also among the casualties, Army Radio reported.

Thursday September 13, 2001
Search in NYC locates 1,000 missing Israelis

By Melissa Radler
NEW YORK (Sept. 13) -- The number of Israelis considered missing in New York
dropped to three last night when Ya'acov Habbi and his daughter Gali were
Ya'acov, who lives near the World Trade Center, and Gali were trapped in a
car next to the site for about 20 hours.
The Foreign Ministry compiled the number from Israeli relatives who in the
first few hours after the attack, contacted the Israeli Foreign Ministry and
gave the names of Israeli friends and relatives who worked in the WTC or who
had business scheduled in it or its adjacent structures.
Even without seeing the article in the Jerusalem Post, logic alone would
tell you that there would be many hundreds, if not thousands of Israelis in
the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks.
The international Jewish involvement in banking and finance is legendary.
Two of the richest firms in New York are Goldman-Sachs and the Solomon
Brothers; and both firms have offices in the Twin Towers.
Many executives in these firms regularly commute back and forth to Israel.
New York is the center of world wide Jewish financial power and the World
Trade Center is at its epicenter.
One would expect the Israeli death toll to be catastrophic. The Jerusalem
Post certainly thought so on September 12, 2001.
Here is the beginning of its article:
Thousands of Israelis missing near WTC, Pentagon.
The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem has so far received the names of 4,000
Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon at the time of the attack. [...]
When George Bush made his speech before Congress, it turns out that he made
a significant error other than saying that the WTC attackers did it because
they "hated freedom," Bush made a point of saying that in addition to
thousands of Americans, 130 Israelis died in the WTC.
The implication was to say that Israel shared in our suffering, and that we
and Israel are in this thing together.
Upon hearing the number of 130 Israeli dead, it seemed suspiciously low to
If 4,000 Israelis were at the WTC and the WTC death toll was about 4,500
(about 10 percent of the 45,000 people normally in the buildings at that
time), the Israeli toll should have probably been between 300 and 500.
130 deaths would have been unusually low. As a place for doing business and
for employment, the world Trade Center was not a huge MacDonalds; it housed
tens of thousands of highly paid, high tech and high level jobs and
executive positions.
They were primarily international finance, trade, banking and brokerage
These are the kinds of businesses where Israelis are traditionally
I asked myself how there could be only 130 Israelis dead, while there were
an estimated 199 dead from Columbia and 428 from the Philippines? In
previous articles I wrote on the September 11 terror, I did not allude to
these suspicions because I have always taken pride in not writing anything I
could not firmly substantiate.
But, while researching this article on Israeli terrorism against Palestine
and America, I discovered the most surprising fact I have ever run across in
all my years of research and writing.
I discovered a simple fact that has enormous ramifications in regard to the
September terror attack.

October 15, 2001
Holy Terror

by Yossi Klein Halevi
Post date 10.05.01 |
The destruction of the World Trade Center has partially rehabilitated, if
only by default, the Zionist promise of safe refuge for the Jewish people.
In the last year, it had become a much-noted irony that Israel was the
country where a Jew was most likely to be killed for being a Jew.
For many, the United States had beckoned as the real Jewish refuge; in a
poll taken just before the bin Laden attacks, 37 percent of Israelis said
their friends or relatives were discussing emigration.
That probably changed on September 11.
I was among the thousands of Israelis who crowded Kennedy Airport on the
weekend after the attack, desperate to find a flight to Tel Aviv.
At least we're going back where it's safe, people joked.
Everyone seemed to have a story about an Israeli living in New York who just
barely escaped the devastation.
If this could happen in Manhattan, the reasoning went, you might as well
take your chances at home."

The New York Times
September 22, 2001
Officials Say Number of Those Still Missing May Be Overstated
[...] But interviews with many consulate officials yesterday suggested that
the lists of people they were collecting varied widely in their usefulness.
For example, the city had somehow received reports of many Israelis feared
missing at the site, and President Bush in his address to the country on
Thursday night mentioned that about 130 Israelis had died in the attacks.
But today, Alon Pinkas, Israel's consul general here, said that lists of the
missing included reports from people who had called in because, for
instance, relatives in New York had not returned their phone calls from
There were, in fact, only three Israelis who had been confirmed as dead: two
on the planes and another who had been visiting the towers on business and
who was identified and buried.
After searching through dozens of articles trying to track down the true
Israeli death toll, I finally found a New York Times piece that clarified
the precise number of Israelis who died in the World Trade Center attack.
Of the 130 Israelis President Bush claimed had died in the World Trade
Center, it turned out that 129 of them were still alive. Only one Israeli
had actually died in the catastrophe of the World Trade Center.
I was incredulous.
"Good God," I said outloud to myself, "only one Israeli!" Here is the pertinent excerpt from the NY Times:

But interviews with many consulate officials Friday suggested that the lists
of people they were collecting varied widely in their usefulness.

For example, the city had somehow received reports of many Israelis feared
missing at the site, and President Bush in his address to the country on
Thursday night mentioned that about 130 Israelis had died in the attacks.But
Friday, Alon Pinkas, Israel's consul general here, said that lists of the
missing included reports from people who had called in because, for
instance, relatives in New York had not returned their phone calls from
There were, in fact, only three Israelis who had been confirmed as dead: two
on the planes and another who had been visiting the towers on business and
who was identified and buried. (New York Times, Sept. 22)
The very low death toll of 130 suggested that a number of Israelis at the
Trade Center had been warned before the attack.
When I found out the truth that only one Israeli had died, there could be no
doubt that there had been a prior warning for many Israelis.
Having only one Israeli casualty among the 4,500 dead at the WTC is simply a
statistical impossibility.
Even if the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the Jerusalem Post had grossly
overestimated the number of Israelis in the World Trade Center by 3,000 (400
percent), there still should have still been one thousand Israelis there at
the time of the attacks.
Again, even if only a few hundred Israelis were present at the time of the
attack, only one Israeli death occurring there is statistically absurd.
Either September 11 had to be a big Israeli holiday, or a number of Israeli
citizens had some advance warning of the impending attack.
The fact is that no Israeli or Jewish holiday falls on September 11.
Prior Warning to Israelis.
The next thing I researched was to see if there were any confirmed warnings
to Israelis prior to the attack.
I quickly found an article in Newsbytes, a news service of the Washington
Post, titled "Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack." The Israeli
daily, Ha'aretz, also confirmed the prior warnings to Israel and confirmed
that the FBI is investigating the warnings.
The articles detailed that an Israeli messaging firm, Odigo, with offices in
both the World Trade Center and in Israel, received a number of warnings
just two hours before the attack. [...]
Now, who would have warned Israelis of the impending attack, if not Israel's

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