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BALOCHISTAN :BSO-NA President to go on Hunger Strike to support the Baloch Women Panel

BSO-NA President to go on Hunger Strike to support the Baloch Women Panel
August 12, 2007
BSO-NA President to go on Hunger Strike to support the Baloch Women Panel


BSO-NA President to go on Hunger Strike to support the Baloch Women Panel.

WASHINGTON, DC: August 11, 2007. The President of Baloch Society of North America (BSO-NA), Dr. Wahid Baloch praised the hunger strike of the Baloch Women Panel in front of Quetta Press Club for the release of illegally detained Baloch political leaders, activists and student by Pakistani military and security forces. He stated that the Baloch Diaspora, especially the BSO-NA, admire their hunger strike and extend full support to their struggle. He said, “The Baloch Women’s Hunger strike is a part of the Baloch Nation’s 60 year old struggle that is going on against the Pakistani illegal occupation of Balochistan, state terrorism and brutality against the Baloch people. This struggle will continue until Balochistan is liberated from the Punjabi and Persian occupiers”.

Dr. Baloch said that Pakistan has intensified its 60 years of war and genocide against the Baloch people by using all kind of weapons. This includes use of chemical weapons, arresting, kidnapping and torturing Baloch youths and political leaders and denying the basic human rights of Baloch people in their own homeland. He said, despite all these tactics, the Baloch Nation will continue their struggle against the occupiers and will not spare anything to render sacrifices to defend their mother-land Balochistan.

Dr. Baloch expressed dissatisfaction and disappointment over the role of some so called Baloch Nationalist parties in Balochistan who have been silent spectators and have shown no effective response to the ‘kidnapped’ and ‘disappeared’ Baloch victims. He said, “It is a shame that our Baloch mothers and sisters are protesting and are on hunger strike, while our so called Nationalists men are hiding inside their houses and are preparing for the elections”.

Dr. Baloch also stated that in solidarity with the Baloch Women Panel and for the release of all Baloch political leaders including Sardar Akhtar Jan Mengal, Ghulam Mohammad Baloch, Salim Baloch, Zakir Majeed Baloch, Dr. Safdar Sarki (a US citizen), Gohram Saleh Baloch and thousands of others illegally detained Baloch students and political activists, he will go on a 3 day token hunger strike in front of White House and the UN building in New York City, to expose the Pakistani and Iranian crimes against the Baloch Nation to the world community and media. He said he will ask President Bush to put pressure on Pakistan for the release of all Baloch political leaders and removal of Punjabi terrorist army from Balochistan. He said the illegal occupation of Balochistan by Pakistan and Iran must end and the Iranian hanging of Baloch youth in Iranian occupied Balochistan must stop. He said he would ask the United Nation for intervention in Balochistan to save Baloch lives from Pakistani state terrorism.

Dr. Baloch said August 14th is a black day for the Baloch people in Pakistani occupied Balochistan. He asked all the Baloch people worldwide to de-celebrate the day with peaceful protest to show their discontent against the Punjabi occupying forces in Balochistan. He said in this connection BSO-NA and World Sindhi Institute (WSI) are organizing a peaceful protest in Washington DC on 14th of August in front of the Pakistani Embassy. He asked all the Baloch and Sindhi brothers and sisters to come and join the protest to show their solidarity with families of ‘missing’ and ‘disappeared’ victims.

Dr. Baloch once again repeated his appeal to all the Baloch Nationalist Parties, including BNP,BNM, NP, JWP, Haq-Tawar and all the three factions of BSO to put aside their small differences and join hands together on a single platform to safeguarded Balochistan, its coasts and mineral and oil wealth in a united way. “Without Baloch unity we will not be able to protect our land, coasts and resources from the outsiders and looters” he said. He also stated that soon he will visit the UK and other parts of Europe with a North American Baloch and Sindhi delegation to meet His Highness Khan of Kalat in London and other like minded Baloch friends and leaders of Baloch Diaspora to discuss of calling of a World Baloch Conference (WBC) in Europe to unite all Baloch Diaspora on a single platform to carry out the Baloch struggle more effectively on an international level. He said once Baloch Diaspora is united, its chapters and offices would be opened in all major cities in Europe, North America, and Asia and in the Gulf States.

Dr. Wahid Baloch also welcomed the recent statement of Veteran Baloch Nationalist leader Sardar Attaullah Mengal and said that the Baloch must use all available resources and means of struggle to defend Balochistan. This includes the parliamentary way of struggle too in order to prevent the anti-Baloch opportunists and MMA-Taliban from representing Balochistan.


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