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Baloch Women observe Black Day

BWP observed black-day to share their grievances with the families of martyrs of Mand, Balochistan

on 2007/8/10 20:30:00 (31 reads)

The hunger strike of the respected Baloch Ladies in Quetta, Balochistan, has entered in the 12th day. They are demanding the recovery and release of Baloch political prisoners, who have been illegally detained, extra judicially and forcefully disappeared by the Pakistani agencies from various parts of Balochistan.

Today on 10-08-07 (Friday) the Baloch Women Panel observed black-day against the martyrdom of Dr. Khalid and Washdil Baloch and to share their grievances with families of the Martyrs. Dr Khalid Baloch and Washdil Baloch offered resistance against the Pakistani occupying forces and eventually they were martyred in a fierce gun battle with brutal Punjabi army on Wednesday near Trubat. . Baloch political, social, student leaders and Baloch Women Panel strongly condemned the brutal on going offensive military operation and the stop and search of Baloch people in their homeland, Balochistan. Baloch Women Panel also strongly condemned the siege of Dr Khalid’s house, attempted arrest of his wife and harassing his family member and children.

Shakar Bibi Advocate condemned the Pakistani forces and their illegal activities and brutal adventure in Balochistan. She further added "that the undemocratic policies of Pakistani Military to suppress the civil rights of Baloch people have compelled the Baloch youth to take up arms for their self-defence, for the defence of Balochistan and for the Right of self-determination.”

Baloch Women Panel vowed to continue their protest and struggle shoulder to shoulder with their Brothers (the Baloch Freedom Fighters) to achieve the full freedom of Balochistan, which is the fundamental right of every human being. According to BWP the Baloch, demand for the self-determination is exactly in accordance to the UN charter, and legitimate. The Pakistani occupation on Baloch land is illegal and against international Laws.

Baloch Women Penal has asked Mr. George W. Bush, President of United States, EU, UN and the entire international community to pressurize General Musharaf and Pakistan as whole to withdraw it troops from Balochistan. They further said Baloch are asking for their legitimate right of self-determination in accordance to the UN charter.

BWP urged the international community, UN, EU and all freeborn people to help the voiceless people of Balochistan to raise their voice against forced disappearances, extra judicial killings, illegal detentions and the genocide of Baloch nation. Pakistani Regimes had committed and are committing are more serious crimes against humanity in Balochistan than what Saddam's regime had done in Kurdistan. If America and other EU countries can topple the regime of Saddam and bring him to justice and why not bring these pakistani perpetrator to justice who are involved in massacre of Baloch Nation?

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