During a long time the Medicine kept itself unprepared for understand the association of the diseases of the body with the psychosomatic beginnings, but, at present, doctors show itself well open to the emotional aspects of his patients, passing to consider the human bring as a whole one, and not barely like a liver or a heart.

The comprehension of that mind and body are interconnected dates back to at least 4.500 years, seen that five centuries before of the birth of Christ HipĆ³crates already affirmed that, for cures being consolidated,the doctors would have to possess a knowledge of the totality of the things. Socrates also requested that the body is not be able to be cured without being taken into account the mind. In Rome the medical Soranus and Caelius already practiced the psychotherapy aiming at it reliefs the physical suffering of the patients. In the century XVI Lutero already declared that gloomy thoughts cause males physical, therefore, when the soul is opressed, the even happens with the body.
Upon understanding the origin of the emotional conflicts the individual can conquer a life well more stable in the dimension of life. The difficulties of emotional origin are countless, and go since understanding of the joys, sorrows, doubts, fears, phobias, to conjugal problems, anxiety, depression, complex, stress...
The Freudian Psychoanalysis left us like inheritance to technical of appeal to the unconscious one for examine the own experiences, selecting remembrances that can present some connection with the mental condition in the present. It is an error find that we are a lot "old" for change, therefore the personality does not remain to same with pass from the years. In general, his change is confused with a momentary emotional alteration, when in fact is a matter of a reeducation based in the experience acquired in the trial of the life. The modifications give after a comparison between a situation that was experienced in the past and is repeated in the present, provoking a conclusion that generates a news (third) way of experience that same situation in the future. When there is a reversion to the original standard of behavior is because the experience was evil administered and the possibility of change stayed stopped by some fact of the past.
As much as times we hear expressions as die of disgust, cry of joy, clot of scare, miss air by fear... For each emotion a corresponding physical event exists and stronsgest is the emotion, more violent is the physical reaction, that can involve the alteration of the blood pressure respiratory and digestive disturbances, endocrine imbalances that produce pathologies as Cancer, Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity... Any event can leave a person vulnerable to the illnesses, be a tension in the work, wars, frustrations, the loss of a dear entity, a difficult conjugal relation, anxiety before of an important exam...
To beginning all the illnesses presents emotional components, with the exception of the hereditary manifestations and them caused by environmental factors (pollution, professional diseases or accidents). Even the resistance to the virus of a cold is related to the emotional and mental state of the individual. By example, recent studies aim the emotions as the big rogues in the fight against the Cancer, showing that the persons that suffer from that evil passed, before, by strong crises of despair, depression or fear, being the strong emotions associated to the beginning of the illness.
Any emotion promotes a physical event, so that a simple reaction caused upon watching a film is going to occur a secretion of hormones capable of alter the chemical corporeal. Strong emotions = violent physical reactions, that alter the endocrine equilibrium, the, the blood pressure, the digestive trial, the breath and the temperature of the skin. What do that want to say? An emotional disturbance prolonged can cause to alterations that provoke an illness, therefore from the moment that to psyche trigger an excessive reaction of hormones, a pathological trial can be initiated.
Any important event that causes emotional reactions, as social commotion, the wars, tensions in the work, family conflicts, insecurity, tension in the traffic, affectionate lack, nostalgia of a dear entity, everything can become the person vulnerable to the illnesses. The chronic tensions and the accelerated rhythm of the routine causes the stress and also contribute for aggravate the physical health. Evidently, lines of the personality and a hereditary vulnerability also produce illnesses. An individual that have a hereditary predisposition for the Diabetes or for the Hypertension, by example, will be able to present symptoms of that illness during the periods of pressure. The development of the Cancer has been aimed by the researchers as an illness correlated with the emotions, being associated to the despair, deep depression, sense of that the life is lost.
During a long time the Medicine kept itself unprepared for understand the association of the diseases of the body with the psychosomatic beginnings, but, at present, doctors show itself well open to the emotional aspects of his patients, passing to consider the human bring as a whole one, and not barely like a liver or a heart.