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Alarm Clock Shock-and-Awe
by Doug Highfield
The civil war was not about slavery. It was about alarm clocks.
In the south, slaves worked the big plantations from dawn to dusk. Whites,
too, followed the sun to the fields in the morning and home again at night.
When the sun was straight up in the sky, it was dinnertime.
In the industrialized north, people were worked in shifts, all around the
clock. So, alarm clocks were, for them, a necessity.
But, the bosses wanted more than clock-work. They wanted slave labor and
slavery wasn't considered moral in the north for the most part.
Somebody realized that if the south's economy, culture, and infrastructure
were destroyed, the cheap labor would be there for the taking.
Just move the industries on down south. (nowadays, south means south of the
border!). Let desperation and hunger take their toll. The laborers will come. Wind up the alarm clocks.
Lofty platitudes always cloak the cruelty of war and oppression. The old
masters are replaced by new, perhaps crueler ones, and the triumph of
liberty is proclaimed.
So, the cities and fields were put to the torch. two-thirds of the adult
males were killed, and the slaves were "freed". The alarm clocks came and enslaved everybody. Today, we are all in the same boat. All over the world, we are all on the plantation. The bosses are still greedy and heartless. the earth herself is being strangled. We have to evolve or die. Know your history. If you think you are immune because you are an American, take another look at katrina's victims.
Throw your alarm clock out the window!