News :: Education
Intense and Unrelenting ENMOD Mind Control
Below are two separate pictures from the same day in 2006; the upper shows massive ENMOD manipulation across several states, Antennae and chemical plasma, electrified into a highly ordered formation, serving a purpose, you bet....
Click on image for a larger version

Click on image for a larger version

Notice the huge undulating line form/column heading down toward Washington DC....these lines are an electro-signature of some heavy heavy environ-mental modification
alter the environment, alter the organism....and this is big big energy.
this all-day event transpired right before a congressional break, when some important immigration restrictions were to be passed, but for some reason, never got passed....when you see electro-undulatus, or electro-mammatus, or any other electro-plasmas of odd type above your head, beware...
The traitors are, and have been, manipulating your emotions via bodily influences, ever since the jorge arbusto stole office...the lines in the sky are just the visible chemical evdence of these operatons.
Right now Ron Paul and his support base are being identified via ECHELON, and other COINTELPRO-type operations online, to be targeted with ENMOD electro coercion by DHS, the international governments law enforcement here.....b