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Debauchery and fraud. Self proclaimed "Immigrant Crime Fighter" and "President of the Resistance" shows his true colors.

Con artist scams thousands of dollars from illegal immigration opponents, using the money to line his pockets and try to gain notoriety at the expense of illegal immigrations supporters and opponents.
Many people do not know the name D.A. King, accept for around 10,000 people who fell victim to his scams. D.A. King is a small time conman from Marietta, Georgia. A failed insurance agent who “claims” to be: a columnist for his local newspaper, an ex-marine, partial owner of the NRA and a protest organizer for “Team America”. King has been making money off of the illegal immigration debate and raking in thousands of dollars, accepting “donations” and charging “membership fees” claiming he will use the money to fund his illegal immigration “resistance“… this money has, of course, gone unreported to the IRS and simply been pocketed by King.

King hasn’t come as far as he would like in his con, though he did land 1 minute on CNN’s Anderson Cooper in which he was crushed at debate by his proponent Gerson Borrero. King has been quoted as saying he would like to have 50 offices across the country and full time staff for his “resistance”, high aspirations for a conman. This “president” also sells anti immigrant t shirts and bumper stickers to fund his mortgage… I mean “dream“. All the while King claims he’s been on numerous radio and TV shows preaching his message when in fact he has not, much like the claims of being an ex-marine and Team America organizer, much is fallacy.

Recently an email was released in which King showed his true colors to an emailer who was interested in more info on illegal immigration, but when the emailer began to question King’s motives he was met with a series of childish insults (actual excerpts from King): “You have passed the test of being an arrogant, amusing asshole.”, “You are not the center of the universe”, “Do you feel like I owe you something?”, “It is not an "anti-immigration" issue for me sleazy”, “You would last about 30 seconds in a debate with even the most inarticulate open borders leftie.”, “I am so busy...and am amazed that I have just wasted 5 minutes to type this to your dumb ass.”, “Go back top your rocket science Einstein.”, “Don't let the fact that you have a computer go to your head...or overload your ass when challenging my integrity or motivation in what I do. I look forward to seeing you on CNN soon smartguy.”

I ask the readers of this article to ask themselves, was that response articulate and intelligent? And dose that sound like the response you would receive from a legitimate (or sane) individual?
King has gone about taking peoples money illegally for several years now, and just recently has started claiming his “organization” as non-profit, even though he states “donations” are not tax deductible, further proof of fraud as real non-profit donations are always tax deductible. King has also been quoted as saying he looks to the NRA for a business model and would like to own all of it one day… big dreams for a small time crook who acts as a child when questioned.

King’s Contact Info (legally public information):
P: 770 427 2857
3595 Canton Rd. A-9PMB337
Marietta, Georgia 30066

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