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Dieback! Bel Bows Down! & PGW post **

I declared them to you from of old, before they came to pass I announced them to you, lest you say, "My idols did them." (Is. 48:5) (Psst!) "He's so Gad-damn stupid, he'd make a GREAT cop!"
Dieback at Cornell

I have witnessed the multilation of the Northern Red Oaks on Cornell campus and many other places. I suspect that this is the result of brainless pursuit of the symptoms and the intentional neglect of the only proven recourse:

I was observing the tent caterpillars on trees at SUNY at Binghamton this spring, and I advised them to put the treated burlap barriers on the trees to kill the caterpillars as was being done at the Binghamton Courthouse at the time. They failed to follow my advice; thus the caterpillars severely decimated a lot of trees. As a result of this I have concluded that this is probably what the whole dieback scenario is all about. Dieback is merely a defense mechanism of the tree. Once a good percentage of the leaves are eaten, the tree will selectively die back in order to survive. All of the listed causes of dieback are probably merely symptoms. Ask and I will tell you great and hidden things you do not know. Yours truly, Bobby Meade Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture '76 rsm86 (at) No personal emails get thru at this address. Go Figure.

Also from Ithaca: I was looking for my Chemical Modus Operandi article of 2001, and I found it inaccessible. I believe that is where I described the following: "When I lived in Slaterville, they dumped such an incredible amount of sulphuric acid that it was burning the leaves and killing all the maples in Ithaca. I would have to ride a bike with a breathlyzer with the filters covered with wet cloths attached with rubber bands. The Plant Pathology Department said that it was a virus, so I named it, the Gad-damned Gar Gan Virus after the tribes of Gar and Gan, which were added to the Green Bibles of the early sixties; i.e. the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. It turns out that many of the Nazis that came to this country from Germany had assumed names with Gar and Gan as the first three letters. Don't larf!" As I have written, these chemicals, calcium, sulphur, acid, anthrax, arsenic, phosgene, wormwood, asbestoes, etc. cause numerous ailments such as diabetes, Alzheimers, flu, Parkinson, asthma, whooping cough, thyroid disorders, pneumonia, etc. Consider also that this arises from "Hitler's Health Care", for they used the concentration camps to determine what effects many chemicals had on people, and most of the resulting information has been suppressed so that the medical field may prey on people. The medical profession is set up to treat these ailments without regard to the cause. If you mention the chemicals, you are likely to be picked up for having delusions. I have mentioned most of these things in my articles, which were listed in Bush Daddy Ramifications; but I could not access it by Googling the title. (I have seen BD Ramifications several times, and I find that they have changed some of the titles or made them inaccessible.) My makeshift air filter, which is made by strapping a T-shirt to a box fan and keeping it wet with baking soda and water is still the best solution that I have for chemical onslaught. Today there is news of an asthma epidemic in NYC. Are they too stupid to move for survival? The last time that I heard of any attempt to filter the air using water was in the early sixties; thus they continue to sell air filters that do not do a thing about acid in the air. It eats the lungs! It has no smell and little taste. Pain in the lungs comes when there is acid in the air once the damage has begun. Emphysema is the end result. A box fan on high speed can remove all acid within seconds! When you can taste it in the air again, you have to wet the cloth on the fan with the soda and water solution again. Of course Hitler's Health Care will be too happy to treat only the symptoms of what ails you. "When I was just a little boy, standing to my Daddy's knee; my Daddy said, "Son don't let the man get you and do what he done to me!...""

(ref. Gone to Be a Soldier in the Army of the Lord! ****) BroBubbaBob

Bel Bows Down, Nebo Stoops Low! *

"I will cut off from this place the remnant of Baal ... and those that are turned back from the Lord; and those that have not sought the Lord, nor inquired of Him." (Zeph. 1:4-6) As you should know, the lawless Israelites did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and served the Baals; i.e. Bush's Asinine Anal Lovers (see Bush Daddy Religion), and they forsook their Lord. (Judges 2:11) Bel is the Babylonian dialect form of Baal, and in Babylonian mythology, it is the god of heaven and earth; i.e. the Dragon, which is also the Serpent, originating from the snake worship of Egypt. Bush Daddy has been posing as Bel himself, flying around in the Eagle (Is. 14:13-14), badgering his "military"; i.e. the media into supporting outright lies; starting wars to justify leadership etc. Thus he will be brought down. (Is. 14:15 Dan. 7:4)

Nebo is another Babylonian god of speech and writing, and it is manifested in Samaria in the professed intelligence of those of Edom who are using bogus educational credentials to uphold the reign of the Bush Nazis. "Edom is those who serve the Bush Nazis of the lawless Jacob, BD (Amos 6:8; Gen. 25:23, 30; 36:1; Mic. 1:5); thus the Lord has a great slaughter in the land of Edom." (Is. 34:6) As I made clear in Education of Fools Exposed and similar articles, these Bush Nazis go to any graduation and slap each other on the back, saying that they graduated, then they go out and forge a diploma that is never questioned. They probably can't tell you what year they graduated! Bush Daddy confirms that Wikipedia is also his "military". Just try to communicate with Wikipedia, and you will find mumbo jumbo with hundreds of similar links for the simplest procedures. Why would anyone try to refute one of their many falsehoods? As a result of this, the wisdom of their wise men shall perish. (Is. 29:14) It's the biggest "crotch of excrement" on the internet. "Woe to those who feel secure in Samaria, you notable men of the foremost nation." (Amos 6:1-14)

The Bush Nazis have been given power to rule until God's word are fulfilled (Rev. 17:17), that is until they are all killed; thus I told Maine how foolish they were to try to impeach such stupidity. Bush Daddy said that his kid is a candidate for living dismemberment. (Ps. 53:5) Is he talking about Jeb or W or the whole lot of them? Should I care? Bush Daddy said this means that the limbs of the designated target will be duct taped and cut off. Each time the person revives another limb will be cut off and/or shortened until he or she succumbs. BD said recently that the crowds were yelling, "Dismember the dumkopf!" to W. Then he said that they were going to dismember the Storm Troopers that tried to silence the crowds until the Troopers fulfill his words against his own kid. That's probably so they don't make BD do it himself. That's how you deal with such stupidity. Use BD's own tongue against them. (Ps. 64:8) In fulfillment of God's word, the sin of his mouth let him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13). The Lord will punish Bel in Babylon and make him eat his words. The nations will stream to him no more, for the wall of Babylon has fallen. (Jer. 51:44) He is less than nothing, and his works are utterly worthless; he who chooses him is detestable. (Is. 41:23-24) "You shall not yield to him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, nor shall you spare him, nor shall you conceal him; but you shall kill him; your hand shall be first against him to put him to death. (Deut. 13:6-9) I will judge each of you according to his ways. (Ez. 33:17-20) He that will hear, let him hear; and he that will refuse to hear, let him refuse." (Ez. 3:16-27); thus "Bel bows down, Nebo stoops low." (Is. 46:1) stoop = knock senseless

(ref. Gone to Be a Soldier in the Army of the Lord! ****)

Forum Topix Hacked

World News Forum Topix: I attempted to post this comment numerous times after the Bel article and/or the Dieback article. The articles kept disappearing every time I posted the comment, then I would post the article as a comment and the comment would disappear and the article would appear again. THIS SITE IS NOT SECURE AT ALL!!!

Comment after Bel Bows Down, Nebo Stoops Low! * on Ithaca Forum Topix, where I was forced to post 3 times before any would appear: Do you see what the dumkopfs do? I posted this again because there was nothing here from what I posted an hour ago. Is Dennis Kolva still leading a pack of hackers up at Uris Library under an assumed name? You know Dennis. Big hairy guy. Use to be Rudy Baga for the Grapevine, where they would try to correct his illiteracy. Professor Bob Mower banned that guy from campus when he caught him stealing from the flower beds in front of Plant Science.((Psst!) Dieback at Cornell! Pass it on!)

This arises because Zion's secret police control that campus. In The Beast Raises Its Head Again (Abduction at Cornell), I made clear how these Cornell cops couldn't read an ID that I had paid $125 for, kept me handcuffed to a pole for three hours, fingerprinted me five times, and tried to get me picked up by Hitler's Health Care again. A year or so after that in 2003, they did succeed in getting Ithaca police to come abduct me again. My years in captivity have enabled the Bush Nazis to proliferate their poophead kingdom to an extreme. These cops at Cornell are hand-picked Bush Nazis from the White House, where they worked for a day or two. They would say, "This one's stupid, he'd make a good cop! That one's stupid, he'd make a good cop! This one's so Gad-damn stupid, he'd make a great cop!" There are forty or fifty of these cops, for that is what it probably takes to defend such stupidity. Every one of them claims to have a college degree, which is most likely backed up by a forged diploma. The computer hackers think that they are invulnerable because these cops back them up in anything they do; plus they are protected by Bear Access, which cloaks their hacking and use of secret access codes. As for the probable link between the WTC disaster and Cornell, Dennis Kolva was friends with an FAA official in DC, for we went to DC to remodel his brownstone @ 1979 on 18th NW & Florida Ave. As for the claims of Khalid Mohammed, his presence at Cornell, and his apparent disappearance; he was probably picked to take the blame without knowing that I was aware that he had been up at Cornell. These cops apparently knew in advance of the WTC because they were down there immediately. Everything that you need to know about such things is probably stored on the hard drives of servers and Cornell computers; but I am sure that these dastardly dudes have moved to protect and/or eliminate all tracks. As revealed in Pascal.Tesson: The Pride of Quebec; my account of Operation Desert Sabre, revealing that it was a total fabrication, lasted three days on Wikipedia, then Pascal.Tesson, an apparent Bush Nazi of Quebec City removed it. I guess that proves that Wikipedia is the biggest "crotch of excrement" on the Internet. Bush Daddy said that history would tell his tale; thus they try to cover up what happened in the Persian Gulf War, trying to change the set times and laws. (Dan. 7:25) Instead of admitting that no one died in that war 1/16-2/7/91, they extended it to 2/28, fabricated Operation Desert Sabre, said that an ammunition explosion was a scud missile from Saddam, and many more falsehoods. Bush Daddy also reveals that this fabricated second half of the PGW was used to kill those soldiers who tried to find out what happened 1/16-2/7 (700 allied deaths with no details!). The fabricated Operation Desert Sabre and the extended PGW are probably the best trap that they have set for their own lives. Let them defend that nonsense.

(ref. Gone to Be a Soldier in the Army of the Lord! ****)

FYI: I posted the following on Desert Storm com. forums. I posted it as a poll in General Discussion.

PGW: Was There Really a War?

Once I assumed responsiblity for that war, I put my heart into it, and not one single soldier died! Prove me wrong!

"Bush Daddy Delusions"
author: Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger Jul 26, 2001

Just as Bush Daddy probably never gave a speech when he was in the White House, he probably didn't have anything to do with what happened in the Persian Gulf War; but he covers that up by acting like he is too modest to talk about it.

My Daddy said that the Persian Gulf War was the fulfillment of prophecy in respect to the eighth Chapter of the Book of Daniel, Daniel's dream of the Ram and Goat. Saddam Hussein was the Ram over there, doing as he pleased, walking all over everyone. "If the Israelis had taken a clue from the Persian Gulf War, they would have understood that was the way to fight a war, for I set that war off. When troop buildup started, I began writing to every single D.C. official who had anything to do with the military, (the numbers and addresses for the military were in the phone book at that time) warning them, among other things, not to dig in over there but to move on Saddam Hussein relentlessly. (I even wrote to Saddam Hussein, berating him for behaving the way he was, asking him what his problem was, couldn't he "get any good drugs over there?", and offering to send him Marion Barry to help solve this problem; but they apparently never did send the letter even if they did tell him to expect Marion Barry.) When they started to dig in after troop buildup was complete, I went to Lafayette Park across from the White House, wearing a sign depicting the "Heart of Israel", and descended on a group of peace protesters. In the loudest voice that has probably ever been heard in DC, I let them know that "I come to fight a Holy Holy Holy War! I'm fighting in a Holy Holy Holy Land! That makes me a Holy Holy Holy Man!" I sang that twice, and even all the way to Capitol Hill, they probably said; "You hear that! There must be a crowd of people calling for a Holy War over at the White House!" (In my letters to DC officials I had told them that I was going to let them know when to move on Saddam Hussein, and I must have unconsciously sensed that this was the only way that I was ever going to get through to them again. I told the peace protesters: "There is no war! Get out of here!"; and they left; but I bet they were surprised when they got home.) The media recorded this (me in Lafayette Park), it went to the ends of the earth, and the planes were in the air within minutes. A million man army advanced, few shots were fired, and the war was over within days. Never on earth has such a thing happened, for nobody died! (If they had kept pursuing Saddam, they probably could have chased him all the way to Iran with minimal losses; but when they stopped, I said that was enough, for their power over Saddam had been broken. They should cherish those empty body bags always. I've heard that they are condsidered holy items in Kuwait. The Iraquis who died were probably shot or run over by their own men, but I doubt if Saddam would admit that.) Deaths did occur in what were probably creative nonviolent "accidents" after the War (i.e. among the allies, handling what they were told was not live ammunition). President Bush wanted nothing to do with it until he saw how it came out, then he started bragging about it even though he never stood up for it (Bible says he was putting "on great airs") 11/1/00" Israel, the Holy Nation was probably born at Lafayette Park that night. Billy Graham was sitting there with the President when it happened. Since then the lawless ones have continuously been persecuting and murdering those who acknowledge Israel, the Holy Nation or those who reveal what really happened to make that war come out the way it did. Since I wrote the above article, note the attempts to try to publicize that someone died in that war, even going so far as to go lay a wreath for them. I even wrote to the military regarding the Persian Gulf War Syndrome, explaining that it was probably primarily caused by petroleum poisoning from the burning oil wells and that immediate vigorous exercise along with copious water and lemon juice was probably the best remedy. If they didn't do that, the poison probably caused permanent damage throughout the body. So that War was probably an act of God with Him using me as a conduit for His voice, for I was extremely distressed about those soldiers digging in over there. I knew that Saddam could have slaughtered them like insects. The former President Bush used my 15 months of unlawful hospitalization as an occasion to portray himself as a "mover and a shaker" in that War in order to help get his son in the White House.

Comment: Foolproof Plan? by Robert Meade 2007-05-01 8:40
"Whisper something soft and kind.." (psst) "That's not live amunition." As for the current war, it is poopheads blowing people up. Saddam probably never raised a finger against the U.S..

Comeupance! ** June 2007

A nation of poopheads? He who does evil is in line for his own death. (Pr. 11:19)

" The curse of an evil deed is that it will always continue to engender evil"Schiller There is no war in Gaza, Iraq or Afghanistan! It is poopheads blowing people up, and the System is set up to protect poopheads. Poopheads tricking people into blowing themselves up etc. Rumors of War! Nothing more, nothing less. Don't forget that Hamas is part of the Serpent. Bush Daddy says that Al Qaeda, Fatah, and Taliban are also part of the Serpent. Bush Daddy said that history would tell his tale; thus they try to cover up what happened in the Persian Gulf War, trying to change the set times and laws. (Dan. 7:25) Instead of admitting that no one died in that war 1/16-2/7/91, they extended it to 2/28, fabricated Operation Desert Sabre (see Yahoo), said that an ammunition explosion was a scud missile from Saddam, and many more falsehoods. Bush Daddy also reveals that this fabricated second half of the PGW was used to kill those soldiers who tried to find out what happened 1/16-2/7. (700 allied deaths allegedly occured in that war. When I browsed the casualties, I found deaths listed from 10/90-11/99 and only three of them that I found, Lovell, Herr and Grimm, supposedly occurred during the actual war. Check it out. Find out if they really died in or from that war because there was not a single death reported in the Washington Post, which I bought First Edition every single day of the war.) (7/14 from Desert Storm com, which seems to be the only valid armed forces forum on the Internet. The rest are controlled by Bush Nazis: In reply to the posting of 30 alleged casualties, most of which supposedly occurred on 1/31/91: I read all of that which you posted, and not a single one of them was reported in the national news on those days or in the days after them. The alleged invasion of Kuwait by Saddam's armored division that allegedly occurred when the C-130 was shot down was also never reported. Saddam was hundreds of miles away by that time, and his entire army was with him. Was Saudi Arabia a front in that war? The war was in Iraq. It was probably friendly fire. Every single one of them, and that is why it was never reported. Please ascertain that these dates and names are coming from the military too, and the dates on which they were publicized, for I am quite certain that there was not much ever publicized until I posted Bush Daddy Delusions in 2001. As for the current war being poopheads blowing people up, consider that whoever is dispatching troops may have advanced knowledge of where these roadside bombs are located; but they are concealing that info. How in heck can Al Qaeda go and plant those things without being detected by someone? I stick to my claims until you prove that these mentioned men died from hostile fire. Consider also that many of these were involved in Special Forces. Could that be another arm of Zion's Secret Police? Check out Dieback! Bel Bows Down! & PGW Post, another article of mine.) History ended and the end of all things drew close when the PGW happened. There was never supposed to be another war. This is proof that the Bush Nazis have been given power to rule until God's word are fulfilled (Rev. 17:17), that is until they are all killed. "Do something, whether good or bad so that we may be dismayed and filled with fear. Behold, you are less than nothing, and your works are utterly worthless; he who chooses you is detestable." (Is. 41:23-24)

Why haven't the Bush Nazis been trapped by the sin of their mouths? (Ps. 59:12) Bush Daddy's"military", the media has overextended it's rights to copyrightable expression by saying that news is copyrightable when it is not original to them; thus they create their own Copyright Clearance schemes in their futile attempt to rewrite history with fabrications. As I remember copyright law, you can reproduce any printed material as long as you don't make money on it; plus you have to use it and label it: For Educational Purposes Only. The solution is to get the original releases that confirmed that PGW was a plus or minus 21 Day War, post that info everywhere, and keep your powder dry.

(From Gone To Be A Soldier In The Army Of The Lord **** via Yahoo)

Closing: Have you figured out if Saddam Hussein was an Israelite living by the sword? Was he moving on Edom, i.e. those who serve the Bush Nazis? Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and doing their bidding? Then you have been destroying people by enabling the proliferation of the poophead kingdom of the Bush Nazis; i.e. destroying innocent people who were not opposing anyone. Saddam probably found himself in the same predicament after the PGW; thus he spent the rest of his life living by the sword and dying as an Israelite. Was the Cortland edition of the Syracuse Post-Standard the only newspaper to show that picture of Saddam with his sword? Did he do that to send a message to me? When you destroy for the Bush Nazis, you have to go on destroying for the Bush Nazis, or you will be destroyed. When you become an Israelite living by the sword, you destroy according to the law He set in Israel, i.e. things that He commanded our forefathers to make them known to their sons. The Bush Nazi, he is less than nothing, and his works are utterly worthless; he who chooses him is detestable.(Is. 41:23-24) "You shall not yield to him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, nor shall you spare him, nor shall you conceal him; but you shall kill him; your hand shall be first against him to put him to death.(Deut. 13:6-9) I will judge each of you according to his ways."(Ez. 33:17-20) When you fall by sword as an Israelite, you will be revived on the second day and restored on the third day to live before Him. Who are you that you fear mortal man so that you were in dread constantly, the whole day long on account of the rage of the one hemming you In? He that will hear, let him hear. He that will refuse to hear, let him refuse, for they are a rebellious house. Nuff said? Bobby Meade The Lord's

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