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LOCAL News :: U.S. Government

Very important open letter to Ron Paul Campaign

this is top third of open letter, last two thirds at:

July 10, 2007 NA (Network America) e-wire

Very important open letter to Ron Paul Campaign

Open Letter to Hon Cong. Ron Paul, His Campaign, and His Supporters –
Part One

This “Open Letter” has ONE purpose: to make sure that Ron Paul
supporters know how to get him a fair count at all stages in
Presidential election 2008! We start – in this part ONE – by focusing on
the Ames Straw Poll in Ames, Iowa, to be held August 11, 2007.

How serious the situation is! --- And how much our nation needs EVERY
HONEST CITIZEN to do something – do as much as he or she can in the
months ahead -- to insure a fair count for Ron Paul, for all the other
candidates, and – most importantly of all – for the American people.

This is PART ONE of this Open Letter. After working on this e-wire for
many hours, I realized that I would have to divide it into four parts –
because it is just too much for one e-wire.

And right now, the urgent need is for all Ron Paul supporters to
understand what must be done at the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll on August 11,


THIS PART ONE focuses on the ACTION we need to take for the Iowa Straw
Poll in Ames, Iowa on August 11, 2007. That date is barreling down upon
us as this is written. – We have a CHANCE to get an open and fair count
at Ames, Iowa, as explained herein.

At the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll -- we can definitely confront the Iowa
State GOP, which takes its orders from New York and Washington D.C.

And we can definitely confront AND DEFEAT the five major TV Networks and
the rest of the despicable major media which are suppressing the
Presidential Campaign of Ron Paul – while issuing fraudulent and warped
“public opinion polls” claiming that the GOP base supports their puppets
Rudy Giuliani and John McCain – two Republican Quislings who have pulled
OUT of the Ames, Iowa Straw poll because they realize they have
virtually no support on the ground among the real people – and because
they realize that they are going to be trounced by Ron Paul, as well as
a few of the other candidates in Ames.

Part Two – the next ewire -- will be on how to get a fair count for Ron
Paul in the actual Iowa Caucuses now scheduled for January 2008. (This
is where we have absolute proof how the Iowa State GOP and the 4 Big TV
Networks – FOX did not exist yet -- worked together to crassly and
criminally cheat the Buchanan campaign and the American voters in the
Iowa Caucus on February 12, 1996.) – We can definitely get a fair count
in the Iowa Caucus of 2008 – if we have eyes and ears in every caucus

Part Three will be on how to get a fair count in the New Hampshire
Primary, also moved up to January, 2008 as of this writing. -- Since one
half of New Hampshire still uses paper ballots AND the neighborhood
citizens count the ballots by hand immediately upon closing – we can
assure a pretty fair count in the New Hampshire Primary, even if they
continue to count (?) the areas around Manchester by secret computer

And Part Four will be on how to get a fair count in the rest of the
Primary states – and in the General Election on November 5, 2008. – All
the other states which have primaries (as opposed to Caucuses or
Conventions) are saddled with the computerized votefraud mechanisms. All
49 states, other than NH, are as of now saddled with the computerized
votefraud systems for the November elections.


IF WE CANNOT FORCE AN OPEN AND FAIR COUNT in 2007/2008 at any level and
– IF – IF -- the crooks behind the 5 Big TV Networks and the National
Democratic and Republican Parties insist on – AGAIN -- counting all the
votes in all those computerized states in secret again – then we can
alert tens of millions of Americans that this is an ILLEGAL election,
and that those claiming to be the government in the USA can no longer
prove their legitimacy.

This is the ONE THING the New World Order boys fear – that in the United
States of America – where a 2nd amendment defense is still an option –
that the general population would realize that the current “elected”
officials could not prove that they are elected; that the government can
no longer prove it is legitmate.

A hard saying – but this is where we are. It’s this serious.

WE want the peaceful, constitutional solution – that’s why we’re urging
an honest, open count at every phase of this election, at all levels.
But if those holding the levers of power continue to frustrate honest
and openly counted elections, and continue to violate almost every facet
of the rule of law and of the constitution in sensitive areas when it
really counts, and continue to move towards ending the United States as
a sovereign nation, and continue to instigate evil and unnecessary wars


Furthermore, we will need to announce that we do NOT accept the results
of such secretly “counted” computerized elections, counted behind police
guard in the general election in every state (except 1⁄2 of NH) by the
four mysterious mega-corporations (Diebold, ES & S, Sequoia, and Hart).

(I cut out a section here called, “How We Got To a Computerized
Votefraud Monopoly counting 99% of our Votes in the USA” – because it
was too much of a diversion of what we must do at the Iowa Straw Poll.
That article, and much other documentation, can be found at this link on
the website:

Next: In case you’re wondering, --- citizens, candidates, newsmedia –
anyone and everyone who requests a recount under current circumstances –
must wait until three weeks AFTER the election to even see the paper
ballots -- if any exist in that venue, -- by which time such paper
ballots can easily be switched so that the computerized “results” which
were announced on election night -- look true.

By snatching the actual ballots from public site before the neighborhood
citizens in each precinct can count the votes – the legal chain of
evidence is broken, and the true count can never again be proven for

I can understand if people doubt that things are this bad when you’re
first hearing about it – but, if you live outside of New Hampshire, you
can prove how bad things are to yourself by simply calling your local
board of elections and asking the natural questions which flow from the
above information.

If you, the reader, want further in depth explanations, go to and read “What’s Relevant Right Now” near the top of the
home page – and then “A House without Doors” by this writer and
“Pandora’s Black Box: Did it really count your vote?” by Dr. Phil
O’Halloran – both of which are linked near the top of the page at this

Before we get into our challenge in the area of the vote count at the
Ames Straw Poll, let’s deal with a question that you, the reader, might
reasonably be asking right now:


A reasonable question.

I’m the guy who organized the effort which PROVED, by the grace of God,
that votefraud was perpetrated by the 5 Big TV Networks and the Iowa
State GOP – against Pat Buchanan, his supporters, and all of America in
Dubuque County, Iowa in the Iowa Presidential Caucuses of February 12,
1996. And . . .

* * * * * The same principles of vote-theft have been used by the crooks
at the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll. And I believe they will try to use them
again – against Ron Paul -- at the upcoming straw poll. * * * * *

While there’s no time to go into it here, we are watching a re-run of
1996. A candidate is on the rise who the Ruling Elite doesn’t even want
on the stage. In 1996, I lived through the “Establishment” against
Buchanan in Louisiana, in the Iowa Caucus, in New Hampshire, in
Arizona, and in the Super Tuesday states.

I was there -- watching it all. Since then, I never dreamed that the
experience we gained then would become relevant and useful again –
because I never thought we would have another pro-American candidate
“catch fire”, as has Congressman Ron Paul in 2007.

My name is Jim Condit Jr. I have been “crying in the wilderness” since
1979 about the dangers of computerized votefraud, and why we need
computer-free and machine free elections; why we need paper ballots,
hand-counted by the local neighborhood citizens, in the open,
immediately as the polls close.

To expand a little on the above, I am the guy who organized about 45
Buchanan supporters in Dubuque, Iowa at the Iowa Caucuses of 1996 to
watch the vote count in Dubuque County on February 12, 1996. And, that
is how we got the absolute eye-witness proof that the Buchanan campaign
was votefrauded in Dubuque County, Iowa, -- as well as the all important
HOW it was done, and WHO did it.

That story is told in an article published in “Chronicles Magazine” in
November 1996 under the title, “A House Without Doors”; you can read
find that article at a link on this page:

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