Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Middle East

Why I left the ISM's summer campaign

I came to Israel with the intention of participating in the International Soldiarity Movement's summer campaign, and left after a few days. Why?
Because what you are hearing and reading are all lies.
An Arab man checked me in on El Al- Israel's national airlines. No apartheid there.
An Arab stewardess served me coffee on the same plane.
When I went through customs, I saw no difference in the way Israels Arabs and tourists were processed. No apartheid there.
Walking now the streets of Tel Aviv I watched Arab women pushing their strollers on the same streets, the same parks and the same stores as Israeli women. No apartheid there.
Going for coffee, I was stopped and searched. Everyone was stopped and searched. Its sucked, yeah- but everyone went through it- no apartheid, no ethnic profiling.
Its not what I was led to believe at all.
The lesson- don't believe everything you read. Come and see for yourself.

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