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LOCAL News :: War in Iraq

Activists Go on Trial June 22

Trial of One of Largest Mass Arrests Protesting Iraq War Begins Friday.
Defendants Participated in the Christian Peace Witness for Iraq on March 17
Trial of One of Largest Mass Arrests Protesting Iraq War Begins Friday

Defendants Participated in the Christian Peace Witness for Iraq on March 17

Washington, D.C., June 20, 2007 – The trial of fourteen of the 222 citizens arrested during the March 17 Christian Peace Witness for Iraq civil disobedience in front of the White House will begin Friday, June 22 in Superior Court. The civil disobedience was one of the largest single civil disobedience actions at the White House, and the Christian Peace Witness was the largest Christian peace demonstration since the beginning of the Iraq war four years ago.

A worship service at the National Cathedral attended by thousands from across the country began the Christian Peace Witness for Iraq, which was followed by a candlelit procession to Lafayette Park for a rally before the civil disobedience action began. More than one hundred local vigils took place the same day around the nation. Participants attending the public witness intended to repent of their complicity with the invasion and occupation of Iraq and to renew their commitment to peacemaking on the fourth anniversary of the war in Iraq.

The trial is open to the media and the general public.

WHAT: Trial for 14 out of 222 arrested during the March 16, 2007 Christian Peace Witness for Iraq in front of the White House for either crossing a police line or failing to obey a lawful order.

WHEN: Friday, June 22, 9 am

WHERE: Superior Court, Courtroom on Third Floor (check with Information Desk, 500 Indiana Avenue, NW. Washington, DC. Phone 202-879-1010)

WHO: Defendants: Mary Pat Brennan, Debbie Churchman, Louie Vitale, Bill Streit, Vicky Andrews, Nancy Gowan, Liz McAlister, Jerry Zawada, Elizabeth Adams, Malachy Kilbride, Susan Crane, Garland Robertson, Eve Tetaz, and Kay Warren.

SPONSOR ORGANIZATIONS : Adventist Peace Fellowship, American Friends Service Committee, Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America, Brethren Witness, Catholic Peace Fellowship, Christian Alliance for Progress, Christian Peacemaker Teams, Declaration of Peace, Disciples Justice Action Network, Disciples Peace Fellowship, Episcopal Peace Fellowship, Every Church a Peace Church, Faith in Public Life; Kairos: A Time to Speak, A Time to Act; Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, Lutheran Peace Fellowship, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, Methodist Federation for Social Action, Peace and Justice Support Network of Mennonite Church USA, National Council of Churches, No2Torture, On Earth Peace, Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service, Pax Christi USA, Pentecostal Chari smatic Peace Fellowship, Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, Protestants for the Common Good, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministries, Sojourners/Call to Renewal.

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