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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

Marylanders to Join Thousands in Washington, DC for Historic Rally and Day of Action to Restore the Constitution


Marylanders to Join Thousands in Washington, DC for Historic Rally and Day of Action to Restore the Constitution

As Bush Administration Continues Tearing Down Fundamental Freedoms, Marylanders Stand Up and Fight Back


Meredith Curtis, 410-889-8555

Baltimore, MD - The American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland today announced that hundreds of members and supporters will be traveling to Washington, DC for a Day of Action to Restore Law and Justice on June 26, 2007. They will join with thousands of Americans from across the country to attend a rally and then call on Congress to restore habeas corpus, fix the Military Commissions Act, end torture and rendition and restore our constitutional rights.

“Marylanders can no longer stand idly by while our constitutional rights and freedoms are stripped away,” said Susan Goering, Executive Director of the ACLU of Maryland. “We are taking our fight straight to Capitol Hill to hold Maryland’s representatives in Congress accountable and demand that they restore due process, defend the Constitution and protect what makes us Americans.”

The ACLU has chartered busses to take participants to Washington, DC. Busses will be leaving from Baltimore and Annapolis. Go to <> for the latest information.

For nearly seven years, the Bush administration has torn down our fundamental rights and freedoms -- from the suspension of habeas corpus and due process, to shameful acts of torture, CIA kidnappings and secret prison programs. And on one day, June 26, the American people will stand up in Washington, and demand those rights and freedoms be restored.

Activists from all fifty states will deliver tens of thousands of signatures to Congress, urging for rights to be restored. June 26 will mark the first time in the ACLU’s 87-year history the organization has convened a national event of this type.

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Note to reporters: If you are interested in joining participants on the bus part or all of the way to Washington, DC, please contact Meredith Curtis at 410-889-8555. Arrangements can be made for those traveling part of the way.

For more information on the Day of Action, visit

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