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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

BTL:Resignation of U.S. Attorney In Arkansas Linked to GOP Voter Suppression Operation

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions



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1) Resignation of U.S. Attorney In Arkansas Linked to GOP Voter Suppression Operation

Interview with BBC-TV investigative reporter Greg Palast, conducted by Scott Harris

In RealAudio:

Text summary/related links:

2) On 40th Anniversary of "Six-Day War," Protesters in Washington Demand End to Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Lands

Interview with Omar Masri, organizer with the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, conducted by Scott Harris

In RealAudio:

Text summary/related links:

3) Immigration Raids in New Haven Follow City's Approval of ID Card Program Benefiting Undocumented Residents

Interview with Father Jim Manship, pastor of St. Rose of Lima Church, in New Haven, Conn., conducted by Melinda Tuhus

In RealAudio:

Text summary/related links:

4) This week's summary of under-reported news

Compiled by Bob Nixon

 Anti-poverty activists blasted the dubious pledge made by rich nations at the G8 Summit, committing $60 billion to the fight against global AIDS and to recommit to the pledge made in 2005 to double aid to Africa by 2010.

 In February, the Bolivian Supreme Court indicted the former president Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada, and pushed for his extradition from the U.S. on murder and other charges related to what is known in Bolivia as "Black October" -- but Washington has ignored the extradition request.

 Gay rights groups are gearing up opposition to the nomination of Dr. James W. Holsinger as U.S. surgeon general, who claimed same-sex relationships were not natural and could lead to public health problems.

In RealAudio: Text summary/links:


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"Between The Lines" is a half-hour syndicated radio news magazine that each week features a summary of under-reported news stories and interviews with activists and journalists who offer progressive perspectives on international, national and regional political, economic and social issues. Because "Between The Lines" is independent of all publications, media networks or political parties, we are able to bring a diversity of voices to the airwaves generally ignored or marginalized by the major media. For more information on this week's topics and to check out our text archive listing topics and guests presented in previous programs visit:

Contact Scott Harris at (203) 268-8446 or email: for more information on how to subscribe via CD delivery, free MP3 download or Pacifica Radio Network satellite feed.

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