Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Class : Environment : Gender and Sexuality : Globalization

A Murder of Crows #2- Out Now!

A Murder of Crows- For Social War and the Subversion of Daily Life

Issue #2 is out now!
A Murder of Crows #2- For Social War and the Subversion of Daily Life

The newest issue of A Murder of Crows has been released and is available for order. On our webpage you can see a picture of our full-color, glossy cover and read two of our featured articles "Repression as State Strategy" and "This is What Recuperation Looks Like." Single issues are $3 ppd, which can be sent cash or in blank money orders.

Table of Contents for Issue #2:
-Statement of Intent
-The Convenience of Not Thinking: On Ideological Boxes
-Setting Hell on Fire: Solidarity and Destruction in Bangladesh
-Repression as State Strategy
-Repression and its Discontents
-This is What Recuperation Looks Like: The Rebellion in Oaxaca and the APPO
-The Harvest of Dead Elephants: The False Opposition of Animal Liberation
-The Six Nations Land Reclamation
-The Arms of Exploitation: On Development and Technology
-Fortress Everywhere: Technology and Control at the Border
-Stop that Train: A Short Introduction to the TAV
-Impressions from the Struggle Against the TAV
-Action Reports

Available locally at Red Emmas!

For more info:

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