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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Middle East

Rumors of War! US Congress post 5/16

How many poopheads do you graduate? Is that how you scored Balt. IMC?
Bush Daddy told me last night that Yale is still giving diplomas to 200 or 300 poopheads per year. Does that happen down there? Below is what I posted to the US Congress this morning to try to get them to stop this stupid war:

"The curse of an evil deed is that it will always continue to engender evil" Schiller You can't stop serving Bush Daddy, can you? There is no war in Iraq! It is poopheads blowing people up, and the System is set up to protect poopheads. Rumors of War! Nothing more, nothing less.

Practice March today! Er, tomorrow. "When tomorrow is today, the bells may toll for some; but Nothing Can Change the Shape of Things to Come!" "Why do the nations conspire, and the peoples plot in vain?(Ps. 2:1) It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." (Is. 55:11) Now is the time for those in Edom (Go Yale! Have BD do his sons according to his specs. Stop this stupid war!) responsible for putting the chemicalmongering dimwitted poopeating Bush Nazis in the White House to fulfill Bush Daddy's words against his own sons and prove that he was a prophet; nevertheless a heartless one. God says do not weep for the dead king.(Jer. 22:10) Practice Marches??!! You complain, you march! March tonight! Down by the waterside. I'm gonna march! Are you? I've seen a sign for the Practice March with the Heart on it and a changed slogan saying, "Save the poopheads, the gays, and the Jews". As for these Marches, you announce the Marches, have a lot of people show up and make like they are going to march; but they just single out the ones who complain and force them to march... If you want an appropriate diatribe for them to voice, see Why They Love Bob Meade So Much, available via Yahoo. Since the lawless ones usually thrive and dominate college campuses during the summer, it is imperative that these marches happen now!(Is. 9:14-16) In a discreet location post a sign with the Heart saying that you are from the Lord's and that there is going to be March here or there.(Amos 8:11-12) My resources are limited; thus I ask you to circulate this to institutions of higher learning and/or their newspapers worldwide. Send it to the ends of the earth.

In this article, the Practice March of the Army of the Lord had become the Eamon McEneaney Immortalization March from Dryden to Cornell (10 mi.) or Eamon McEneaney's Practice March of the Army of the Lord. It can't be a problem if they're just practicing. Practice Marches?!! Here! There! Everywhere! Eight Days a Week!

Bush Daddy says that the Head of the Serpent threaten any of their followers if they have read a word of what I have written;..

"I will come against the wayward people to puinish them." (Hos. 10:10) "The waywardness of the evil will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them." (Prov. 1:32)More often than not the complacency of fools; i.e. the self-satisfied smugness, is exemplified by the look on their faces that testifies against them.(Is. 3:9) This look is usually the coprophagic look, which is a blank vacant look, revealing the mind-dulling opiate-like effect of eating feces. They act like nothing can affect them, like they are invulnerable. Just question them, and you will see that they are too stupid to answer the simplest questions.(See Wipe That #$%&-eating Look Off Your Face, 3/26/01)

Helpful hints so that these words will not return to Him empty: Numbers 10:9 Psalms 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23, 25 26, 28, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 62, 63, 64, 66:1-5,16-20, 83:1-4,13-18, Prov. 26:26, Is. 33:1, Hosea 4:1-5 Amos 5:18-20, 6:8,11, 9:1-4. Read these numbers in the clouds then broadcast the verses that are called for. Selected key passages from each reference are usually enough to assure that His words will not return to Him empty. The Horn, a low toned instrument, take an empty one gallon plastic milk or water container, cut the bottom out, cut the cap and insert a one foot piece of hose, and wrap it tightly with duct tape. It's the loudest, most versatile instrument there is! Wrap tape on the mouthpiece too.

(From Gone To Be A Soldier In The Army Of The Lord)

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