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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Interview :: Baltimore MD

Interview with Ms.Vickie M.Oliver-Lawson

Daughter of Eve
by Vickie M. Oliver-Lawson

I am the daughter of Eve
Walking along the Motherland's Nile
With my head held high for all to see and admire
My beautiful queenliness.

I am the daughter of Eve
The mother of all living
With my rich earth-toned skin
Emulated by others, but unique in its own way.

I am the daughter of Eve
So fruitful
As evident by suckling babes
I'm raising warriors
To walk their future in my own footsteps.

I am the daughter of Eve
Walking beside my mate
In a wifely state
And essential to the existence of all.

I am the daughter of Eve
Leaving my legacy of life
For those who will come behind
And carry on my strength and beauty.

I am the daughter of Eve
Giving life to others
As they remember my inner strength
The core of my being

I am the daughter of Eve
Walking in my mother's footsteps
Guiding and assisting posterity
As we follow the ways of the Creator.

I am the daughter of Eve
Standing on my mother's shoulders
Exuding strength and leaving my mark
For all to see and know That I existed.

Copyright © by Vickie M. Oliver-Lawson
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Tell me a little bit about yourself?
I have been seriously writing poetry for approximately 25 years. I am a public school administrator, educator, wife, poet, author and mother of two. I am the author of Vocal Moments (a collection of various poems designed to inspire, heal, humor and give you food for thought which was released in 2003 by PoeticJava Publishing) and In the Quilting Tradition (is a story about the interaction between a young man and his grandmother as she tells him about the tradition of quilting from an African perspective and was released in 2005 by PoeticJava Publishing).

What do you write about? Why?
I write about many different topics: Life, Love, Religious, Re-Discovery. I write whenever I feel the twanging of my poetic heartstrings.

What motivates and inspires you?
I am motivated by life itself as well as goals I set for myself. I am also motivated by young people with whom I interact. I also love to listen to music, especially India.arie. Her music moves me to write.

What are some of your publications?
Some of my publications include Moments with the Almighty One, Essence of Spirit, Kaleidoscopes of Life, Creative Reflections, Vocal Moments and In the Quilting Tradition.

Current and future goals
My current goals include: continuing to write until one day one of my books is on Oprah’s Book Club list. I will be releasing more books written especially for children. I have several stories completed and just waiting in the wings. I want to do a one-woman poetry show when the time is right. I also want to be able to live off my writings, eventually.

Current activities, events, etc
Current events and personal appearances in/around the Baltimore area at the weekly venues I tend to frequent.

Future activities, events, etc
Future activities include enlarging my territory so that I am no longer just local to the MD area. I had the opportunity to perform in two choreopoems at the Harlem Theater in NY and I really loved it: the people, the energy and the performing. I would love to do another choreopoem.

What has been your greatest challenge as a writer?
My greatest challenge as a writer is to be able to write every day. Sometimes I feel the poetic vibe and sometimes I don’t. I have met people who say they write every day, but I can’t get into that…at least not yet.

Where can readers learn more about you and your work?
I urge them to check out my site at

To purchase copies of Vocal Moments and In The Quilting Tradition, viewers should contact me at or by phone at 410-960-9267

Vocal Moments ISBN # 0-9742609-4-0
In the Quilting Tradition ISBN# 0-9755360-4-4

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