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Pick a number! Any number.... (3 out of 5)

Contrary to BBC's slanders, and if I were sitting in Serbian government I'd take them to their own Albion courts for defamation. slander and libel. Twisting known facts way out of scope for, God only knows what reasons.
The ever flexible 8,000 Muslims killed in Srebrenica by the (EVIL) Serbs keeps changing.

Here is a finding from Boston in the United States, which seems to carry some "closer truth".

Let's see how badly off is the BBC.

Quote: "In 1992-93, more than 1500 Bosnian Serbs, mostly civilians from the villages around Srebrenica were killed by Bosnian Muslim fighters (well-documented, with graves in Bratunac). No international outrage followed. Naser Oric, blamed for these brutal killings (indicted by the Serbian authorities in Bosnia), today runs a disco club in the city of Tuzla, Bosnia."

Wait a minute, those are not Muslims that were killed and the number does not correspond to 8,000 that BBC so royaly keeps quoting. Next paragraph:

"Undocumented number of Bosnian Muslims, mostly soldiers, either murdered or killed in regular fighting. Estimates of murdered Bosnian Muslim men vary from as low as 100 to as high as 12,000. 1,000-3,000 seems most probable, but this is yet to be determined."

- So the number of the "killed Muslims is easily one third of what is being alleged by the EU press. Let's see what else holds the magical answer to the ever popular number of 8,000?

Quote: "Washington Post "12,000 Muslims massacred"; "Women of Srebrenica" -- "10,000 people massacred"; Bianca Jagger -- "8,000 civilians"; David Rhode, "7,000 Bosnian Muslim men"; AP "up to 7,000 men missing"; Hague indictments against Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic "6,000 Muslim men."
When asked for an official figure of dead Bosnian Muslims the spokesman for Secretary-General, Mr. Eckhard "said that he did not think the United Nations had a final accounting, but estimates were between 5,000 and 6,000 dead, though not that many bodies had been found. Some 50 bodies had been found, the correspondent said. Were excavations still going on? Mr. Eckhard said his staff would look into it." (4/28/97, Daily Press Briefing, Spokesman for Sec-General)"

So the 8,000 killed Muslims in Srebrenica seems to be just a random number picked out of a hat?

I'd take every step to sue BBC out of existence on account of continuing lies printed (and spoken) by their sources, all along with their paymasters.

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