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Slander continues (2 of 5)

Admittedly this is not much of a newsworthy topic as it is being repeated with predictable regularity, but it doesn't fail to amaze me. The over slander by BBC's staff. You (and I, both) thought that BBC was a reputable news source. Think again.
Slander continues

It remains unclear why the EU media is so hostile towards Serbia. Not only is there an abundance of anti-Serbian propaganda, and pressure on account of “Serbia’s defiance” in offering support to amputate its own province of Kosovo (cradle of ancient Serbia), but the Srebrenica “massacre” has been touted out of proportion in recent weeks and again today/yesterday.

Is there any other country, on Earth, that gets such BBC publicity and such a black eye on account of “true journalistic research and interest”? I can’t think of any.

The number of the “slain Muslims” in Srebrenica oscillates between 168 to 320 or so, although some media sources refuse to take anything under 8000 – possibly the only “newsworthy” number. There is no reason on Earth why that number should be so grossly exaggerated and the mistake repeated ad-nausea. It is no longer just a mistake when it gets used so frequently and on so many different sources. The Arab dollars must have paid a full asking price to place this blatant lie in many of the Western media’s sources.

As usual, the BBC leads the pack. Today’s article (aside from the “thousands killed” shows interest in a name of Muslim origins (to the best of my knowledge – Abdulah).

Here is the opening paragraph

“The city was the scene of a massacre in 1995, when Bosnian Serbs killed thousands of Muslim men and boys virtually in front of Dutch UN peacekeepers.
Today, the town is rebuilding. The best place for lunch is Abdullah's restaurant, a bustling place full of hungry locals, cigarette smoke and lots of chatter. The Becka Snicla (Wiener Schnitzel) and Kupus salad come highly recommended.”

I do understand the fear of Muslims which have already been documented by the attacks on Madrid’s train station Attocha, The London bus system, the “youth rioting” in Paris, the threats to Danish newspapers, the killing of children in Beslan, Russia, etc.

Naturally the EU wants to protect itself and show the world that it can be PRO-MUSLIM, with absolute disregard for the truth. This pattern now benefits the Abdulah restaurant, if nobody else. Imagine owning an obscure fruit stand in Mexico and getting the publicity of the BBC? What are the odds of that?

Under the risk of being totally wrong (the risk factor is slightly below zero, in this case), I predict that in the course of the next week, if not sooner, there will be more slanders against Serbia.

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