New York Times strikes twice in one day. How well are these people trained in the art of deception and who do they work for, if not for the media?
Absurdity (squared)
Even the usually low standards of The New York Times are now lowered to a newer (lower) level. I can’t write as fast, as to cover all the absurdities.
In a world (outside of NYT zone of intellect) there is commonly a crime of commission as well as a crime of omission. We can be held liable for not stopping a crime that we are witnessing in its developing stages and that is clear of, and by, itself.
We know that over the last 8 years of the “multi-national force safe-guarding the Serbian southern province of Kosovo”, there have been some 140 to 145 churches desecrated, damaged, ruined, burned or attacked in ome fashion, or another. Let’s agree that these were (most probably) crimes.
Now, we have the brilliant New York Times article (second one in today’s paper), praising an active KLA (considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. Department of State, and equally taken out of that same classification) key member Ramush Haradinaj, GET THIS: the man is praised for allowing a time to go by with no incidents of violence.
How about we award Osama a medal for letting the Golden Gate bridge stand? For one, I really like the Brooklyn Bridge and the Golden Gate bridge the most and they are both UNDESTROYED. Doesn’t somebody get at least an “honorable mention” for this?
Feast your eyes on the NYT source with the following
“In March 2004, during rioting across Kosovo, he was credited with preventing hundreds of rioters from attacking Kosovo’s best-known Serbian Orthodox monastery. United Nations officials say he also helped ensure that a January 2005 visit by Serbia’s president, Boris Tadic, passed without incident.”
Zippitty, doo-dah, Woo-hooooo, what a humanitarian. Posted at:
On the other hand we have another possible face of the same “humanitarian” at:
Titled: U.N.-APPROVED TERRORIST TO RUN KOSOVO. Which to choose? Eeni, meeni, maahnih, moh.
Just as we heard before: Half a truth is ever the blackest lie, because a straight lie can be fought and over-ruled, annihilated. Not so easy with half a truth because some parts of it do stand on its own merit. The NYT showing us how difficult it is to find out any truth, by adding mud to already unclear waters. I think, I better stop reading the press – for today.
Now, since we just celbrated Easter, there is another (lesser known) Easter protagonist known for the following "What is truth? said jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer. Certainly there be, that delight in giddiness, and count it a bondage to fix a belief; affecting free-will in thinking, as well as in acting."
More clever thinking from Francis Bacon in the hyperlinks