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Tradition of “free mud” – truth for sale

Suspect the unsuspecting and follow your common sense which is neither common nor sustainable. Even the gray lady of print New York Times gets bought and sold (not only the paper itself, but the essence of articles).
The direction of the present day truth
Tradition of “free mud” – truth for sale

It’s not only islam, here and now – but it permeates. Watch this miracle of confluence, perfectly befitting the just concluded Easter Holidays.

Let’s agree that most people are not imbeciles and have some semblance of good reasoning and can even think on their feet.

We all know and agree (to a different extent) that islam ranks very high on the list of interests contrary to “American values”. American values have not been clearly defined overseas, as of yet, but here in the United States, we all have a pretty good idea of what those values are. Most often those values tend to be in accordance with either the Jewish, or the Christian perception of values, and hardly ever mutually exclusive, even during the times of worst Anti-Semitism.

Political needs of our country are such that in spite of the obvious threat of islam, some of our officials have to pander to islam on account of our dependence of oil and other reasons of strategic presence in the Near East.

On the other hand we have to employ much of our brains to fight the stupidity (and/or) bias of the media. I admit, for me this is considerably easier to see than it is for most of us, simply because I have amassed a considerable knowledge on the topics that include my birthplace (former Yugoslavia). I read the local press regularly, and follow their local events – as uneventful as they may get. More often than not, there is a sharp contrast between “the news” we see in the Western press with the plain, common, simple truth which remains irrefutable. The NYT article stubbornly clings to the magical figure of “8000 Srebrenica victims”, in spite of the common knowledge that the 8,000 figure was first provided by the Red Cross, based on their crude estimate that the BSA had captured 3,000 men and that 5,000 were reported "missing." Not to mention that some estimates show less than 800 possible victims. Some degree of “creative accounting” definitely took place, and why the New York Times would follow suit remains unclear. We should, however, not underestimate the islamic propaganda machinery, the wealth of the Near East Shariatic states and their ability to purchase media, judges, opinions, followers etc. (all in the name of islam). I don’t have a problem of a fair market competition in any field except this one. The truth is not for sale. There remains but only one truth and that’s it.

That’s why we must stay vigilant (so much more so) when it comes to “reputable sources” like the New York Times.

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NYT source is at
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