America, the global pimp
Get off this computer and get a job, you bum.

We should know.
Israel does not want peace.
It wants to keep the land it has stolen and ethnically cleansed.
In fact, it wants to steal even more Palestinian land and water.
Just like its principle backer the global pimp, America.
America became a hard working farmer and producer after we had slaughtered all the native inhabitants we found there when we fled the oppression and squalor of Europe.
After we went back to Europe during the Second World War we became global pimps because we got used to easy living.
The whoremasters of the oil and arms industries got a taste of it and wanted the world to work for them for nothing.
The whoremasters, who finance politics in America, now placed the worst ever, from the citizens point of view, President in the White House to do their bidding and support any whore in the world, like Olmert, who get American money and return it to the whoremasters to buy their guns.
This is called the double whammy of fuck them when they’re up and fuck them when they’re down.
The moron in the White House can barely speak from the amount of hard liquor and drugs he swallowed during his demented life.
The pinnacle of his thinking is the “ Have Mores.”
Combine this moron and any of his possible ‘bought and paid for’ successors with the unrepentant thieves of Israel and you have trouble spiralling downwards for the foreseeable future.
The only way to get rid of a whoremaster is to dry up his money.
To start with this the Arabs should sell all their oil in €€€€’S.