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Rahul Gandhi's campaign ends in fiasco

Why did Rahul cut short his campaign after Gaziabad and Bareilly (not to be confused with Rae Bareilli) and beat a hasty retreat?

[Telegraph, March 19, 2007]

www.telegrap 1070320/asp/ nation/story_ 7540461.asp

Rahul Gandhi at the seminary - "Pointing to persons in the audience, he said: “I only see every individual here as an individual. They are all Hindustanis. Who is a Muslim, who is a Brahmin, who is a Thakur? I don’t see any of this, I am blind.”

Translation - There is no identity as Hindus. There may be Brahmins, and Thakurs, but no Hindus. However, there is certainly a Muslim identity.

Here is the actual Story

If Rahul failed to see Muslims in the Deobandi school, which gave the ideology of Taliban, he is indeed blind. But there is a more interesting and significant story.

Why did Rahul cut short his campaign after Gaziabad and Bareilly (not to be confused with Rae Bareilli) and beat a hasty retreat? The official story is of course that the Board exams made it impossible to campaign. This is hard to believe. Board exam dates are fixed months in advance. The dates were known when the campaign was planned.

Here is the story IntelliBriefs got from some contacts in Pratapgarh, not from Amethi and Rae Bareilli, the supposed bastion of the Gandhi family. Rahul was getting a hostile reception from parts of the crowd which was bound to intensify as he moved closer to the 'bastion.' People there have not forgotten the December 3rd gang rape charges. Those who saw the video will remember witnesses saying that Rahul would be beaten with slippers if he set foot in Amethi.

And there is no assurance that it would not happen in other places in U.P. as well. This, not any board exam seems to be behind Rahul's inglorious retreat.

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