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Will the real Albanian stand up, please?

Today's BBC has an article about ongoing violence in Kosovo (by Albanians, who else?) and it is those same Albanians who want a license to kill and convert more Christians, thank God Clinton is out of office. So far we have heard about peace loving Muslim, but we never saw one. Let's have one peaceful Albanian stand up.
Will the real Albanian stand up?

It has been almost a decade since William Jefferson Clinton forced NATO’s hand, and used NATO’s cape to play a role of a part-time superman in escaping Lewinsky and company by bombing a small pro-American democracy minded Serbians. Indeed, there was a nasty neo-communist as a president which needed ousting (Serbs were able to depose and oust him on their own some time later), but Clinton ( knocked out several bridges, hospitals, even a maternity ward and the Chinese Embassy in his (and Wesley Clark’s) “careful” choice of targets. All of this was done under the pretext that the Albanian majority in Kosovo is “oppressed”. The opposite was closer to the truth – it was the Serbians – who due to a demographic explosion became a minority were being oppressed, and Kosovar Albanian’s proclivity to violence, slaughter, drug trafficking, laundering money, white slavery and child pornography became the source to finance many of their “American sources” – who got themselves embarrassed enough by having Albanian lobby in their hands. In this last decade we have witnessed much crime, hooliganism and violence from this “oppressed people”. Interpol’s (Pan European police) lists are dominated by Kosovo Albanians in some half dozen countries to the tune of top 70% (Switzerland) 80% (Sweden) 85% (Greece), 90% (Serbia) 82% (Italy). And now the world shall reward this future birthplace of a European born Jihad ( with an independent Muslim state wrestled away from Serbia with total disregard for all international laws and postulates of sovereignty. Never mind the history of Kosovo which as bloody as it can possibly be ( Problems are as serious as they are numerous. Just today’s BBC has an article of more violence in Kosovo (by Albanians, you guessed it again) at: I don’t consider myself too stupid – but I must be dreadfully stupid since I fail to see how the International community (probably in fear of Islam, having remembered WTC. Madrid, London and Paris riots) is now trying to appease a bloodthirsty Muslim nation on European soil just so that it can have one playing card in dealing with Muslim violence elsewhere in the world. I guess that is the only “normal answer”. Muslims are so far (in Kosovo and elsewhere) bloodthirsty simply because their Kuran mandates them to take by force and to convert “infidels” into Islam etc. How many more lives will it take – and what other “little and unimportant” nation can we sacrifice next week?

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