LOCAL News :: Asia : Globalization : Protest Activity
Koreans come to DC to protest Korea-US Free Trade Agreement
The fifth round of the Korea-US FTA negotiations is going on this week in Washington, DC.
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Mobilization for Global Justice carries its banner in support of the protest against the US-Korea Free Trade Agreement

Luci helps carry that big beautiful banner.

People who would be affected by the adverse effects of "free" trade march through the streets of Adams Morgan, past McDonalds in Washington, DC.
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Koreans playing percussion suddenly stopped, layed down on the street with their instruments raised above them, and continued playing percussion.

Marching through the community before they went downtown to protest in front of the White House. The community says, "Thank you for sharing the great march with us."
Marching through the community before they went downtown to protest in front of the White House. The community says Thank you for sharing the great march with us.