Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

Anti-War Teach-in at MICA

Anti-war teach-ins will be held at the Maryland Institute College of Art on February 9, 23 and March 16.
Anti-War Teach-ins at MICA in Feb

A new group of students MICA has formed to hold discussions on War on Terror and to mobilize MICA students to participate in the anti-war march on the Pentagon on March 17th. We hope you will want to join us on the following dates. The schedule of speakers is still in formation. If you would like to speak, please email the panel moderator.

Pizza and other food will be served.

Maryland Institute College of Art
Bunting Building
1300 block Mt. Royal Avenue

"Bush's Wars - Fantasy and Reality"

Fri, Feb. 9th 4pm to 7pm B-110

Moderator -- Mike Hanes
jonathon_brisby (at)

What is going on in Iraq - Civil Wars and Counterinsurgencies.

The Salvadoran option. (Robert Merrill)

The Siege of Fallujah. (Mike Hanes)

Are political demonstrations effective? What do they accomplish? Grassroots mobilizing. How can people exert pressure on the president and military?

Are Arabs/Muslims the enemy of the West? Huntington's Clash of Civilizations. (Dean Pappas)

"They Start the War and We Pay the Price"

Fri., Feb. 23rd 4pm to 7pm B-110

Moderator -- Adam Hulkhower
adamhulkhower (at)

The economics of war and a war dominated society.

Permanent War Theory. (Robert Merrill)

Why We Fight (Aaron Young)

Social and personal costs of war. PTSD. How war educates and conditions people to accept more war.

Can democracy and a permanent war co-exist? The National security state, surveillance.

"Organizing for the March"

Fri., Mar. 16th 4pm to 7pm B-110

Moderator --- Laura Prelle
lprelle (at)

Finalize logistics for Washington

Violence and society. Violence as the solution to all problems. History of US wars, invasions (Walter ________)

These discussions will be educational and organizational meetings. The goal is help ourselves learn as much as possible about the current situation in the world that President Bush says calls for an all out war on terrorism that may last for several generations. While the organizers strongly oppose Bush's wars, we believe in open and honest debate.

Speakers from all perspectives are invited and all views will be respected. If you would like to speak at one of the teach-ins, just email the moderator and request a time slot.

Thank you,

Robert Merrill, Ph.D.

rmerrill (at)

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