Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : International Relations : Middle East

Hidden terrorism: the last days

The Israelis are trying, by a hopeless campaign, to convince the world of their loyalty and cleanliness, but they already revealed, through nearly sixty years of repression, their real intentions.
An Open Letter to the human rights organizations and fighters

We the undersigned, turn to the human rights and resistance organizations, freedom fighters, and governments out of a sense of concern for the fate of the entire world.


Your leaders are leading you on a dangerous collision course with the nations of the free world, that may lead to a mortal blow to most of the world, as well as to a total regional chaos.
Your leaders repeatedly support Israel and call for its sovereignty. This fascist regime finances espionage, terror and torture, throughout the world, and crudely violates the basic rights of other Peoples via emissaries such as their Army, Shin Bet, Police and Mossad; and buildings, such as their apartheid wall, or their spy ring and cells all over the USA.

The Zionist Police State and its leaders, are leading a disgraceful and monstrous campaign under a bogus academic disguise, against their so called Iranian threat, which is their own theatre play, and not the true problem. Through their conduct they are seen as a derisory and repellent figure by the world’s nations, and they confers upon Israel the symbol of madness, and ignorant country, which disseminates hatred and is bereft of elementary human values.

Their regime still imagine, by its military nuclear capability, to dig by torture and repression an implacable hegemony, It seems that their leaders do not shrink from measures that could lead to the deaths of thousands if not millions of people.
In response to all this, we wish to convey the following:

For thousands of years, whole Empires and Superpowers which attempted, by their policy, to wipe off from the worldwide map any kind of true justice, fell and threw themselves to the antique museums by their self suicide policy.

After surviving the Bolshevik killing machine we should not allow anyone to threaten and mislead us.

The world can't ignore what happens daily in Israel, and allow the threats against human dignity and freedom to reach the practical stage. Past experience shows that Israel will finally betray her allies and would do whatever reaches her ambitions, and is compatible with her nuclear arsenal, to prevent your rulers from realizing the mankind dream of peace and harmony even if it means using massive force against innocent children.

Your current leaders could bear responsibility for destruction of most of the civilization, if they persist to put their irresponsible trust on Israel, and would be the ones to bear the price.

The bombed Lebanese and Palestinian orphans and widows support your aspirations to free the crushed human rights from the bonds of the Zionist hidden terrorist regime, and calls upon all the governments to act with every means at their disposal to assist the freedom fighters amongst them to depose this regime of fear and dread.

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