Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD

Load of Fun Gallery Art Opening--Fri., Feb. 9

The Load of Fun Gallery is hosting an art opening on the twin theme of Love and Risk.

This "Nine of Hearts" open house and free event will feature art, bands, and the jokerish poetry of Lewis Carroll, T.S. Eliott, and Shel Silverstein.

The Load of Fun Gallery is a three-floor complex on Howard and North Avenue. On Friday, February 9th, from 8 pm - 12am, festivities begin.

The Love and Risk art show has been curated by Daniel Suelpnagel and Chris Ganze. Poets reading include Brian E. Langston, Karla Mancero, Gregg Mosson, Alan Barysh, Alice Anonymous, and Ryan Coffman. They will read original and well-known works about cats, cards, playing, and childhood adventuring.

The bands are Freedom Enterprise and The Flying Eyes.

Load of Fun is at 120 W. North Ave., Baltimore, MD. The event is FREE. Starts at 8 PM.

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