News :: U.S. Government
microwaved and lasered bad
they are openly attacking many people even their own but their own are so mind controlled they do not know or care....

from the Circuit Earth blog and the politrix list:
020107. 1700L.
i have been getting microwaved and probably lasered too, real bad, every time i go out for the last two months, lots of it this week have been out a lot
it causes extreme angst and physical debilitation, cancer, internal bleeding, nosebleed, and it especially shuts down digestion, cooks you from inside out slowly, waste elimination first to be effected causes backup and further disease, i have recorded this many times in last 6 years fyi.
i feel it in back chest area most as direct pain.
but i can feel the various energy weaponry now before i even hear the drones, drones run out of playas huachuca/chiricahua las cruces and white sands -- a lot of the energy weaponry is to make you go bonkers like berserk and just make it so you cannot deal with other people well...causes anger, fits of temper, etc.
was at my mine today there were 15 drones and 4 x c130 types flyovers in an hour -- they arrived within 15 minutes of my arrival at the mine --- this is nowhere near an airport it happens everytime i am out and a lot of the bush dhs white welfare here running maneuvers -- coordinated drivebys -- lots and lots of stalking but they will not get close because i am not some liberal pansy i will make them miserable if they get close and they know it they are skeered ratz and agents of lords and kings -- a bunch of unamerican scum.
this is all bush police playing with toys, i am sure i am not the only one getting attacked when i bring it up to other people they get real thoughtful like, yeah, thats happened to me too, and some actually say it, many do, in fact.
they are real pissed at me because i was kinda like the chemtrail preacher at tucson and they of course obliged by spraying a lot the first day then covering the area in a rainy canopy -- which is their way of trying to cover the debilitative effects of the chemtrails -- they always bring out the rain as the rationale, but its they who sold us out to russia and it was russia actually won the cold war by using this same tech to create the need, as it were, for this chemtrailing--they were dehydrating us in secret from the other side of the world since the 60's...well documented.
fyi and if you hear drones, its not good because bush is going bye bye and they are trying to burn as much as they can on their way to paraguay...
020107. Lords and Kings are unAmerican.