Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Final Run Down On Nazi Concert In WhiteMarsh

What a crazy night!
We found out around 5:30 through IMC that the nazi concert was to be held in Towson MD. After a quick run around Towson, it was realized that the address given was actually for White Marsh, and not the Towson area. We drove up to the Armory in White Marsh and immediatly saw a group of about eight nazis walking along side the road. During this time, news of what was going on at the PAC and BloodShed were filtering in, and we were learning that most likely there would be no one else joining us. We decided to drive around and take pictures, get license plate numbers, and do whatever we could. Around 7:30 we left the scene with four police cars in the driveway of the Armory and "news" 11 and 13 vans parked out front. There were maybe 20-25 nazis at most.
Bored and frustrated that nothing was going down and the nazis were in our backyard, we decided to head back out there. We continued to do the same thing as earlier, driving around, taking pictures, getting license plates. This time around there were about four cop cars down every side street. In all, I would say I counted around 16 cops cars and 2 police vans. We noticed that some members of the community, let me add that this armory was dead smack in the middle of multiple communities, were standing on the corners and overall wondering what the hell was going on. We figured with the overwhelming police presence, and the fact that the community was coming outside, it gave an all clear to get involved on foot.
We walked up to two teenage boys standing across from the armory and basically started conversation with "So how do you like nazis being across the road from your house?" From that point on it was alot of talking, explaining, and giving brief educational courses on the basics of the white sepremicists groups. We grabbed some poster board and made some signs so that passer bys would know why their neighborhood had all of a sudden turned into a police state. The signs read "There are Nazis in your Neighborhood" and simply "NAZIS" with an arrow pointing toward the armory. People were stopping and asking us what was going on, what it meant, who the nazis were, why they were there, and eventually about 10 people from the neighborhood had come out to stand with us, not necesarly in protest, just in utter shock.
Around 10:30 the scene completly changed. A line of 20 cop cars lead by a blue unmarked car came down the street. They all had white numbers painted on the rear window starting with 8010,8011.. and so on. Another four or so SUV police cars pulled onto the grass and took up positions around each side of the Armory. There was a black, unmarked SUV, and two other unmarked vehicles, all SUVs. A helicopter began circleing over head and scanning the trees, and bushes with its spotlight. I would say I counted 21 cop cars, 4 suvs, 2 vans, and 3 undercovers. The cops were all in riot gear, all equiped with pepper spray, some in more heavy armor equiped with tear gas canisters.
We were first approached by Don Nealy who identified himself as a member of the FBI. He informed us that they had had some trouble with people trying to fight the Nazis earlier and wanted to see our IDs. I provided mine, and he continued to ask questions such as, "where am I from", "How do we know each other", "were we in DC", "Do we know what happened today". He walked away and joined three other undercover fbi agents, who were driving the unmarked vehicles. The agents were undercover in basic tan shorts, with short sleeve checkered button up shirts. Don Nealy had a blue cast on his right arm.
We were then approached by a police officer dressed in riot gear. He asked us Why we were there, and where the rest of our buddies were. He informed us of his intelligence and then continued to say how we were watchdogs for a larger group of individuals waiting in the midsts for our mere signal. I was on a cell phone at the time, and he used that as an excuse for such a claim. He then had three other officers come over and they began to check the trees and bushes around us with flashlights and dogs. Two cop cars then turned around across the street and placed their spotlights on us for the remainder of the night.
By this time there were about 25 community members outside. Many conversations were had, and overall they felt disgusted that they were basically lied to by the police department. One woman said that there was alot of police activity earlier at the school and around the armory, she asked what was going on, and the police told her that a party was going on that night. Even while we were there, police continued to deny what was really going on to people in the neighborhood. They said it was just a confrontation between two groups with opposing views. People were also outraged that a National Gaurd Armory would rent to nazis, and they were getting fired up about the prospect of getting a petition together for the whole neighborhood to sign saying that they could never rent to any group like that again. They were also talking about forming a group to confront the National Gaurd Armory as to why all of this happened, and why they were never informed. Many expressed concern for kids sake. We did witness a few individuals fleeing the area with kids asleep in the back seat late at night. We were offered drinks, and many people thanked us for coming out. Very nice people I tell you!
All in all there were about 50 residents that we know of out on the sidewalks in disgust. Eventually, the police moved everyone further down the street, with no real good explanation as to why. They blocked off both sides of the street about 500 feet down in both directions. They were making people show ID in order to get through, and asking people their business when leaving. The cops were persistent on searching all areas. They spotlight checked all trees, bushes, and anywhere anyone could possibly even think of hiding.
Slowly but surely the nazis were leaving, and the neighborhood was able to give them a few middle fingers in response to theirs. We left, but had to go through three checkpoints on the way out. The fist one was a couple of officers directing people in one direction. They were in riot gear and had three foot long billy clubs. The second check point was just a drive through two cop cars leaving only a gap in between, and the third was two cop cars blocking an intersection making you turn right in order to go around them. These were spread out over a mile or so radius in one direction.
It was then open season, nazi galore, with all the cops in one place, but no one to confront the nazis. We drove around, got some info, saw some more crazy shit, and eventually called it a night. All in all, we collected some good data and had one hell of a time. I would say a rough estimate of maybe 100-125 nazis present. That is a very liberal estimate for we only counted 20 cars leave and saw only 16 in the visible portion of the parking lot. Next time they come back, we gotta tell the public about it. They were pissed they didnt know.

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