Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq


United for Peace and Justice is teaming with over 500 additional groups to march on Congress to insist the US get out of Iraq.

Massive numbers are expected to rally and to march around the Capital on January 27 at the start of a 3-day event.
Now that Democrats on the Hill are lining up to support President Bush's expected call for as many as 50,000 new troops for Iraq, it is time for a massive antiwar demonstration in Washington.

More than 70% of the American public is opposed to this war, but it doesn't matter to this President. You voted in November -- but your vote apparently didn't register. This time, vote with your feet, vote with your airfare, vote with your bus ticket. Vote with your presence in the streets of Washington DC on Saturday, January, 27th. The stakes have never been higher.

Momentum is building for this urgent mobilization. There are already more than 500 endorsements for the demonstration and we are hearing from groups around the country that they are organizing to get people to Washington DC. To send the strongest, clearest message to the new Congress, we are working hard to have the largest turnout possible.

As the details of the January mobilization are being worked out, please check regularly the UFPJ website for updates, volunteer opportunities, housing, transportation, and program:

We will assemble at 11:00 a.m. on the east end of the National Mall, the end closest to the Capitol, and will march on a route that will literally circle the Capitol. We'll make sure the Congress hears us.

On Monday, January 29th, we will meet with members of Congress and/or their aides. Training for the lobby day and other activism will be held in DC on Sunday, January 28th.

Please join us in solidarity.

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