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Come Out With Your Hands Up, Grover Trask!

Call for the arrest of several public officials, including the District Attorney of Riverside County, for cover-up/collusion in attempted murder and more.
janet.pdf (25 k)
The attached document was issued by Grover Trask, head of the District Attorney's office in Riverside, California, and signed by Elise Farrell, Deputy D.A. The letter states non-compliance with a request for the policies and procedures manual of that office. The letter is also non-responsive to a request for the guidelines for making California Public Records Act requests, which was included in the request made by this reporter.

The law concerning this is clear--according to the California Public Records Act, the administrative procedures of justice agencies are discloseable under Section 6254. In addition, anyone requesting the guidelines for making CPRA requests must be tendered these guidelines, free of charge.

Not so for this reporter, apparently.

This may seem on the surface to be a marginal issue. However, it is anything but that. The D.A.'s office is covering up previous criminal behavior by that agency in refusing to tender a manual which would clarify where that agency previously went rogue in terms of a report sent to Special Prosecutions concerning the attempted murder of Dr. Amalie Phelan, formerly of Temecula, California. Following that agency "dropping the ball" in terms of their responsibilities in investigating that report, the attempted murder escalated to virtual kidnapping and very likely, murder.

In November of 2002, I submitted a report to the Special Prosecutions unit of the Riverside District Attorney's office. Following the sudden illness and hospitalization of my mother, Amalie, who had been under the care of the infamous conservator Melodie Z. Scott, I returned to her Temecula home and found evidence of what may have resulted in my mother's sudden and nearly fatal illness.

I contacted the Temecula Police Department immediately and filed a report. The report was assigned to Detective John Davis but never investigated by the Police Department. In addition, there were serious errors in the evidence report made by the police who responded to the 911 call, which mitigated the appearance of criminality on the part of Scott, her employee Linda Garcia and my sister, Judith Phelan, now residing in Oakland, Ca.

Armed with evidence of police misconduct, I filed a report with the Riverside D.A.'s office, Special Prosecutions Unit.. The report was assigned to A.D.A.Mark Mandio. Immediately, Mandio left on sabbatical . I re-contacted his office on his return, but Mandio refused to return my calls. I then appealed to a Los Angeles attorney, Jeff Lustman, to contact Mandio for me. According to attorney Lustman, Mandio had only this to say to me: "Please don't call."

According to "Bonnie" at the Special Prosecutions Unit, no action was taken on my report. My mother never returned home from the hospital and was in fact "legally" kidnapped by Melodie Scott and moved around from home to home in a shell game. Amalie Phelan died under extremely suspicious circumstances, and was buried without my being notified that she has even passed on. I was notified later, and at a point in time when an autopsy would have been useless to determine the true cause of death.

The report taken by the Temecula Police Department--TER02163053--states that it was forwarded to the Riverside District Attorney's office for investigation. According to "Vicky" at the Southwest Justice Center and "Dee" at the Riverside District Attorney's main office, the report was never received by that agency.

Intent on reporting misconduct by these public servants to the Riverside Grand Jury, I made a written request to the D.A.'s office for 1) their guidelines for making California Public Records Act requests and 2) the policies and procedures manual for Special Prosecutions. The attached letter documents the non-compliance by Trask to these requests.

Apparently, Mr. Trask feels that his office can continue to cover up the crimes against my mother with complete impunity. Mr Trask seems to believe that in committing to a letter a refusal to turn over a manual which by law he must release to me, he will be able to continue to run his criminal cartel without public knowledge of his crimes and with immunity from prosecution.

I am calling for the arrest and prosecution of District Attorney Grover Trask and former A.D.A. Mark Mandio. I am declaring them to be accessories after the fact in the attempted murder of Dr. Amalie Phelan. Considering the course my mother's life took following her hospitalization in June of 2002, it is very likely that she ended up the victim of foul play. I am also calling for the arrest and prosecution of Melodie Z. Scott and her attorney J. David Horspool on charges of conspiracy to commit murder, and for the arrest and prosecution of Judge Stephen Cunnison, Riverside Superior Court, under Title 18 Section 242 of the U.S. Code, for his actions in court on August 1, 2002, previously detailed in an article entitled "Deadly Corruption in Probate Court," (link follows)
Those reading this report need to be aware that the death penalty may be invoked for a violation of Title 18, Section 242--"Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law."

My mother was the widow of James R. Phelan, investigative reporter and best-selling author. My father, who passed away in 1997, had been a mote in the eye of the Republican Party for decades. His article on the Nixon-Hughes loan dealt the death blow to Richard Nixon's bid for the California Gubernatorial seat, according to Governor Pat Brown, who defeated Nixon in that election. My father's work on the Garrison angle of the Kennedy assassination derailed Garrison's attempt to falsely incriminate Clay Shaw, and thus to divert attention away from the real assassins, who were very likely a part of an emerging power cartel in the government, including Lyndon Johnson and George H. W. Bush.

My father's articles on J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, purportedly sent Hoover into a rage.

Given the continued involvement by government agencies, including the Temecula Police Department, the Riverside D.A.'s office and the Riverside Superior Court, among others, in occluding the nature of the criminal activity directed at my mother, I am stating here that I believe that my mother's premature death was a result of retaliation by the government cartels that my father sought to expose.

Janet C. Phelan
81 Mt. Baldy Ln. #1
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

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