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Weather Warfare: The Militarys Plan to Draft Mother Nature, Jerry E. Smith

Book Review By: Bill Gallagher
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In Weather Warfare: The Militarys Plan to Draft Mother Nature, Jerry E. Smith accomplishes a feat of teaching that is extraordinary in its scope and application. Science that is effecting everyone on a daily basis has been fully deployed in near total secrecy, and that does not bode well for people.

From The Book:

It is beginning to look as if the actual purpose of all that we have been investigating is nothing less than the actual physical transformation of the earths atmosphere in order to provide a platform for the latest chemical/electromagnetic technologies of warfare, communications, weather control, and control of populations through non-lethal chemical electromagnetic means. And what this portends for the future in terms of any meaningful retention of human freedom, and even the very life of the planet itself, is entirely unknown. Therefore it is not beyond reason to suggest that, unless this project is forced into the light of public scrutiny by means of a few relatively dedicated citizens, human freedom itself and perhaps even all life on this planet may be at risk.
Diane Harvey

Jerry E. Smith has added yet another volume concerning the bush administrations fully functioning Environmental Modification (ENMOD) program, which, as this newest book shows, utilizes some amazing technology that has actually been around for quite some time now. One self admitted goal of the bush administration has always been: "...complete and total control of the entire electromagnetic spectrum...(jorge bush c.2003 concerning Total Information Awareness technology). Something that is stressed in Jerrys latest book, and rightly so, is this: Environmental Modification, and control of the electromagnetic spectrum, means modification and control of You.

As I see it, If you do not wake up and face the music, and take your life, including and especially your electronic life, into your own hands, people like jorge (bush) arbusto will gladly do it for you. I am trying not to smirk as I write that they, in fact, are already doing it; in EARNEST; for over 6 years now and for reasons of their own. If that does not scare you, then perhaps you should check your pulse, see if you are still alive....

In Weather Warfare: The Militarys Plan to Draft Mother Nature -- we learn that a lot of Tesla Technology has been hidden, covered up historically, let us say. I mean this stuff was not taught in schools or anything, and now this modified Tesla technology program has been deployed nearly 100%, though totally denied by the perpetrators. That says an awful lot right there. Right now it seems that a lions share of available technology is being used by people not very loyal to Americans or Freedom, even though Americans have been taxed unto death supplying these internationalists with the funds, manpower, and secrecy necessary to deploy all this stuff. These representatives of foreign law on American soil, these enforcers of international law and taxation, actually seem engaged in human experimentation on Americans, and some have theorized this is technology to overcome gun ownership here, once and for all. It seems evident, after reading Weather Warfare: The Militarys Plan to Draft Mother Nature, that the deployers of all this ENMOD technology and electronic weaponry, truly believe they have us in their death grip and we have no control over it.

I suppose the real question is this: Do they?

Read Jerry E Smiths latest book: Weather Warfare: The Militarys Plan to Draft Mother Nature, at your earliest opportunity, then answer that question for yourself.

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