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News :: Peace

BBC, Reporting US Civillian Killings No Other Mainstream Media Will Report

The US military has been doing some blockheaded things, but only the BBC is reporting about it.
The United States is attacking the town of Gardez in addition to Kunduz, even though Gardez is now an anti-Taliban town. BBC News is the only site which is reporting this out of the mainstream internet media sites. CNN is not reporting it, MSNBC is not reporting it, and the CBC is not reporting it. I cannot find any sign of it on the AP or Reuters wires. In addition to shutting out our right to monitor our government's actions this week, it's business as usual in terms of the war. It's a travesty that Americans -- compassionate, moderate Americans even -- are being held in the dark about their own government's insidious actions. If people knew the truth and the mainstream media did not hide our mistakes on orders from the government, then avergae Americans would not approve of bombing our allies or bombing civillians for that matter. In fact, BBC is also the only one reporting actively that the US is bombing Taliban and regular folks alike in Kunduz. A civillian refugee has been quoted as saying, "'People are terrified. Many ordinary people have been killed, as well as Taleban.'" (article here) How long can we continue to be this irresponsible, and then hide it? This will only cause Americans to vehemently believe falsehoods, and widen the divide between those that are angry at America and the oblivious Americans. It is said, history is written by the victors. I suppose they are right.

About Gardez bombing:
About Kunduz civiilian deaths:

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