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Bush Daddy Pits And Snares

Nothing like the stone God laid in Zion (Is. 28:16).
My Daddy said that now is especially the time to trust in no one (Mic. 7:5), for men are snared in an evil time (Ecc. 9:12) when the nations have sunk in a pit of their own making (Ps. 9:15). The Lord Almighty is the One who they were to fear (Is. 8:13). The fear of man has proven to be a snare (Prov. 29:25). First the remote-controlled aircraft of 9/11/01 toppled the World Trade Center towers (66464 & 139628) in order to fabricate a war on terrorism and the mythical Bin Laden. Since the real terrorists were looking at the Bush Administration in the mirror, they tried to stir up everyone against Bush Daddy's square-jaw lover boy, Saddam Hussein (194653), not understanding that Saddam probably had a headache or was going to play the jilted lover boy. Nevertheless the militants of Bush Daddy Tribe are convinced that their sweet moronic smiles were going to convince everyone that Saddam was the baddest of the bad (197071), especially if they can provoke Saddam to violence. On the home front, as I mentioned in the Post Postscript to "Bush Daddy Finale" (198448), the punk rogues of Cornell abducted me, a Canadian alumni, because they were afraid of the truth in my writings (180797); thus the Bear Lord could have sworn by himself that Canada gave him Cornell (Amos 6:8), which will probably result in Cornell becoming a possession of Judah, snaring the punk rogues of Cornell and the rest of Bush Daddy Tribe for the Practice March of the Army of the Lord (147306). In several versions of the Bible, the first three lines of the Fifth Chapter of Hosea seem to connote not only that BDT has deceived those at ease in Zion (Amos 6:1) into supporting BDT in murdering innocent people but also that BDT has sunken to new lows by increasing their poop intake, resulting in a more depraved indifference to human life (70672). Like lemmings the BDT expects you to believe every foolhardy conspiracy story that they come up with (Is. 8:12), so that they can continue to entrap you with their rule on rule and rule on rule (Is. 28:13). You have been compelled to embrace the stupidity of the "Crazy Asinine Lowdown Fools" of BDT because they have portrayed themselves as holy people, doing God a favor by killing people to keep the lies of their uncrowned king, Bush Daddy alive (John 16:2; 31133, 120932, 128276, & 132033). The power of lawlessness is what allows the evil of BDT to thrive, and once the one who sustains this lawlessness is taken out of the way, Bush Daddy, the man of lawlessness will be revealed, making it possible for him to begin his reign as the Great Dead King of Israel (2 Thess. 2:7-8; 93509). Then BDT's professed fear of men will become snares, for these fears are illusions. All of the other transgressions of BDT will become snares (Prov. 11:19), for there is nothing hidden that will not be brought into the light (Matt. 10:26).

He who digs a pit will fall into it (Ecc. 10:8). The power of lawlessness will be broken when the rebellion occurs (2 Thess. 2:3), and the former supporters of BDT will no longer honor the professed holiness and lies of BDT. Bush Daddy claims that BDT has already started throwing Anthrax at former supporters of BDT. It will probably be quite a mess when the tongues of the chemical-mongerers of BDT are turned against each other (Ps. 64:8; Is. 28:15; 33:1). Although the presence of chemical-mongerers and computer hackers has resulted in an increase in security, the lawlessness has allowed the security to be breached by those who fostered it. Take a look at laptop computer theft, which has sky-rocketed locally as it has nationally. Bush Daddy claims that the true purpose of the boarded-up maintenance buildings at Maplewood Apartments at Cornell (192800) is to store stolen merchandise such as laptops. Bush Daddy also claims that the punk rogue police walk around expressing heartfelt concern for the security of laptops: "What do you do with your laptop when you're not carrying it around?" Some of these students are murdered for trying to report thefts, for their calls to the switchboard are expected and relayed to the murderers. The depraved indifference of poophead authorities is characterized by a vacuous look that they pass off as cool professionalism. These militants are incapable of showing emotion even while they are wasting people with guns equipped with silencers. Stolen laptops, like a lot of other crimes of BDT, are traceable via computer; but the power of lawlessness prevails. The illegal use of the Social Security numbers of the victims of the "Silent Murder Epidemic" (24603 & 195909) is another traceable crime that is upheld by the lawlessness. BDT can be snared by the transgressions of their lips alone (Prov. 12:13; 18:7); but if you don't act on it, they are going to prey on you (Is. 59:15). The pits and snares of BDT are so numerous that God has warned everyone: "Terror and pit and snare await you, O people of the earth" (Is. 28:16).

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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger

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