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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD

Poet's Ink Reading and Open Mike, Minas Gallery, Dec. 17

The Maryland State Poetry & Literary Society hosts a poetry celebrating Poets' Ink. The reading hosted by managing editor Dennis Barnes will feature Kathie Corcoran, Dan Cuddy, Rosemary Klein,Gregg Mosson and Barbara Simon. It begins at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 17, at Minas Gallery in Hampden. An open mike follows. A $4 donation is requested.

Poets' Ink, originally conceived by Hugh Burgess and now under the able editorship of Dennis Barnes, has over the past several years sponsored workshops lead by writers such as our featured readers as well as Reginald Harris, Linda
Joy Burke, Rebecca motil, Ted Hendricks, Brian Langston, and others.

These free Poets’ Ink workshops provide writers, especially those just finding their voices, with an opportunity to have their poems read and critiqued by established writers and editors, who chose a poem from each contributor to be published
in a free Poet's Ink broadside. Every Poets’ Ink broadside is then honored with a contributors’ reading held throughout the area at venues that include The Village Learning Place, The Baltimore Ethical Society, Barnes & Noble: Reisterstown, The Enoch Pratt Library, and the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall.

Minas Gallery is located at 815 W.36th Street in
Hampden. The phone number is 410-732-4258.

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