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The 2006 Elections are over and the Peace and Freedom Party has plans to push forward with an agenda that will meet the needs of working class people across the nation. The Mid-Term Elections provided an indication of the great unrest and dissatisfaction that people nationwide have with America’s present leadership. Americans appear to be riding the fence between the Republican and Democratic Parties, and voters are uncertain about landing on either side of the fence.

VIEWS AND NEWS November 29, 2006
Stewart A. Alexander

The 2006 Elections are over and the Peace and Freedom Party has plans to push forward with an agenda that will meet the needs of working class people across the nation. The Mid-Term Elections provided an indication of the great unrest and dissatisfaction that people nationwide have with America’s present leadership. Americans appear to be riding the fence between the Republican and Democratic Parties, and voters are uncertain about landing on either side of the fence.

The Iraq Civil War was the dominant issue in campaigns nationwide and over the next few weeks and months the Middle East conflicts will shape public opinion for the 2008 Elections.

There are many other issues that will determine the winners and losers for 2008. Inflation has eroded the income for most Americans with the high cost of housing, gasoline, utilities, taxes and health care. Inflation has prevented the majority of Americans from adding to any personal savings.

Individual retirements will not meet the needs of our aging citizens or the baby boomers and many seniors will be left to the care of their children, or will be homeless and living in poverty.

State and national leaders have resisted a universal health care system that will ensure good medical treatment for all; and today, America with a population that is now over 300 million, is falling behind in the world community to provide affordable health care to a growing nation.

There are many issues that must be dealt with in 2007 and 2008; and Americans nationwide will be expecting results.

Alexander, with the Peace and Freedom Party, says his party is advocating broad changes for a changing nation; “It is obvious that most Americans are not happy with a one party system.”

Alexander says the Peace and Freedom Party is talking about real change; “The party’s voice is small however people are beginning to listen.”

The Peace and Freedom Party maintained ballot status in the statewide elections in California by a slender margin, obtaining just over 2 percent of the statewide votes cast.

The PFP is a strong opponent to the Iraq Civil War and is pushing for an immediate withdrawal of American troops. The Iraq Civil War was the center point of the party’s campaign in the 2006 Election and this issue still remains at the top of the party’s agenda.

As the PFP takes its message nationwide emphasis will be on affordable health care and affordable housing; the Republicans and Democrats have resisted major reform on these two critical issues.

The party will also push immigration reform and call for immediate amnesty for all immigrants and to return all national guards to civilian status.

The Peace and Freedom Party is calling for the removal of any walls that exist between the United States and Mexico to the south or Canada to the north. The party opposes policies that will isolate the U.S., Mexico, Canada and the international community.

The PFP will support establishing full diplomatic relations with Cuba and establishing trade agreements with that nation. Alexander says, “The party also opposes walls that divide the U.S. on the high seas.”

On the domestic front the party will oppose Three Strikes laws and lead the effort to end capital punishment nationwide.

The party supports complete federal and state funding to provide free education through university level and the PFP will offer plans to make drastic cuts in funding for the nations over crowded prisons.

On the environment, the PFP is pushing efforts to increase public transportation and the party is committed to supporting cleaner technologies that will decrease the nation’s dependency on oil.

The Peace and Freedom Party is presenting sweeping reform and people are beginning to listen. Alexander says, “Americans are seeking change and the Democrats and Republicans are only taking away our freedoms.”

The Peace and Freedom Party is a socialist organization and the party is appealing to working class people and the hundreds of millions that are without capital in a capitalist society.

For more information search the Web for: Stewart A. Alexander; or PFP, Stewart Alexander Represents America’s Left; Californians Rejecting One Party System; Immigrants Are Lost In American Politics.

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