Why any true Liberal should support Steve Kubby for President
The Democrats have failed liberal voters. Presidential candidate Steve Kubby has been fighting for civil liberties for years.

Why any true Liberal should support Steve Kubby for President.
By Benjamin Todd
First lets talk about the Democrats. The Democrats have failed Liberal voters. They voted for the war in Iraq, the PATRIOT act, and are now supporting reinstating the draft. Is this what you want from a political party? I certainly don't. Ever the 2004 Presidential candidate John Kerry only had a four year plan to get out of Iraq. So even if everything went according to plan we would still be in Iraq for another two years. This is not acceptable.
There is another choice for Liberal voters. Steve Kubby is running for President as a Libertarian. Unlike Democratic candidates for President Steve Kubby has always worked to defend personal freedoms. He was a major author of Prop 215 in California which legalized medical marijuana
and has now been copied in 11 other states. Steve even went to jail defending this new law. This year he has been at it again. He helped campaign for a ballot innitative in Colorado to decriminalize marijuana.
Steve Kubby is the only candidate who has been against the war in Iraq from the beginning. He will not change his position. He supports an immediate removal of troops from Iraq. He would push to bring our troops home from the 140+ countries arround the world where we have them stationed.
We need a candidate who will ALWAYS stand up for our personal freedoms. That candidate is not John Kerry. That candidate is not Hillary Clinton. That candidate is Steve Kubby.
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