Announcement :: Crime & Police
Information Needed Immediately About CS Anna
Eric’s lawyer is preparing for trial and needs as much information as possible about the activities of the CS.
Eric McDavid, Lauren Weiner and Zachary Jenson were arrested on January 13, 2006. The arrest was based primarily on the actions of an FBI confidential source (CS) who often went by the name Anna. In the criminal complaint against McDavid, Weiner and Jensen the government stated that the CS was involved in 12 other “anarchist cases”. Eric’s lawyer is preparing for trial and needs as much information as possible about the activities of the CS. If you were around “Anna” or communicating with her and were then arrested please contact Eric McDavid’s lawyer, Mark Reichel. “Anna” was using two different email addresses at the time of the arrest (that we know of): annadavies99 [at] and annaforever9 [at] Her phone number was: 954-821-2477. Some people might also have known her as Grai Damiani.
Mark Reichel
(916) 974-7033
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