LOCAL News :: Right Wing
Meet A Nazi From Baltimore
Dennis Nemitz of the National Socialist Front. He may be from Dundalk.

When we were following this group called the National Socialist Front, they decided to do a little bit of our work for us by falling apart! According to our information the NSF is no more due to some internal dramas that caused the Baltimore-based organization to lose support among not just themselves but the chapters from around the country whose members could no longer support the leadership. That leadership is primarily a guy named Dennis Nemitz, and from our personal experience with this guy, we can understand why some of his people would have a problem with him. We started training our sights on this one when he started to make threats to an OPP associate. The associate called him on it and nothing else was heard from him.
Dennis is not really someone that is held to a high regard among the WP scene, particularly in the East Coast scene. He has reportedly incurred the wrath of three Hammerskin chapters, the Outlaw Hammerskins and quite possibly the Keystone State Skinheads and Atlantic City Skinheads. There were rumors of stolen money in regards to the OHS rift, but a lot of his problems stem from him being on some people view as a power trip. He called himself the "National Director" of the NSF. They operated primarily by having state chapters run by one person who was in charge of that state. Once or twice a year meetings were reportedly held with one or two reps from each state to discuss plans.
The thing that annoyed a lot of people about the NSF, as evidenced by our experience with Nemitz, is that they never backed up the crap they say. Sometimes the NSF went out and flyered in their neighborhoods and attended rallies, but for the most part Dennis and his little crew kept their silly tails behind their computer keyboard talking trash. Many of the people who were involved with NSF were considered the most worthless among White Power circles, seen as being out for the image instead of the standard beliefs. Many WPs for example hated how they would focus not on love for the white race, but rather hate for all other races. Many people who were involved with NSF from around the country, those that actually willing to go out and back up what they believe, were quickly disenchanted.
Dennis had other problems too, his fondness for screwing around in particular. Although he is married with children (his wife is not a racist, but she puts up with it because she loves him and reportedly also has nowhere else to go), he often has been seen keeping company with other women. There were also rumors saying women wanting to join NSF reportedly have been told their probation period would be cut short if they slept with him. If they refused, they would be verbally attacked later. Dennis libido is what was supposed to have contributed to NSF's demise. According to the word on the street, Dennis was dating two girls at once, both chapter leaders. That and the fact that there were questions about Dennis himself (no one was sure if his name was "Dennis" or "Dave" which he also went by) were proverbial nails in the coffin of NSF.
We don't think the story of Dennis Nemitz is over. For one thing, this entry is already going to feed his overinflated ego (oh well...), and for another this is a guy who thinks he has something to prove. We do make a suggestion here, however. Anti-racists should stand down on this one. He has made so many enemies within his own circles, they will pretty much deal with him themselves.