Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Class : Globalization : Labor : Latin America

DC: March to Defend Oaxaca!

To defend the successes of the Oaxacan people's struggle, to assure that the teachers can live in peace without the violent poverty being forced on them, and to put an end to the government repression in Oaxaca, we will march from the Mexican Embassy (1911 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC) to the Mexican Consulate (2827 16th St. N.W. Washington, DC 20009) Thursday, November 16th. We will meet at 5:30 at the embassy, the march will start at 6:00.



To defend the successes of the Oaxacan people's struggle, to assure that the teachers can live in peace without the violent poverty being forced on them, and to put an end to the government repression in Oaxaca, we will march from the Mexican Embassy (1911 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC) to the Mexican Consulate (2827 16th St. N.W. Washington, DC 20009) Thursday, November 16th. We will meet at 5:30 at the embassy, the march will start at 6:00.

We cannot ignore the brutal repression of the Oaxacan people. We must support the Oaxacan people's struggle in Oaxaca and denounce the repression that has already resulted in scores of deaths, widespread unlawful detention and the torture of political prisoners. Plainclothes officers continue to harass and kill protestors each day, and the PFP (Riot police) prepare for renewed offensives. The escalation of violence must stop! Long live the Oaxacan people's struggle!

—call issued by DC Oaxaca Solidarity Action, an ad-hoc group formed by participants in the action on 10/30.



Para defender a los ganancias de la lucha del pueblo Oaxaqueño, para asegurar que los maestros pueden vivir en paz sin la violencia de pobreza enforzada, y para poner fin a la represión del gobierno en Oaxaca, marcharémos de la Embajada Mexicana (1911 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC) a la Consulado Mexicano (2827 16th St. N.W. Washington, DC 20009) Jueves, el 16 de Noviembre. Irémos a buscar a la Embajada a las 5:30 PM, y marcharémos a las 6:00.

No podemos ignorar la represión brutal del pueblo en Oaxaca. Tenemos que apoyar a las luchas populares en Oaxaca y denunciar a los acciónes del gobierno Mexicano que ya resultó en asesinatos y detenciónes ilegales de nuestros compañeros, y la tortura de presos políticos. Policía llevada en ropa civil continua a acosar y matar manifestantes diariamente, y la Policía Federal Preventiva estan preparando para ofensivas nuevas. ¡Alto a la intensificación de la violencia! ¡Viva la lucha del pueblo Oaxaqueño!

—llamado por DC Oaxaca Solidarity Action, un grupo formado de participantes en la acción de 10/30.

Flyers to advertise the action:


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