Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace : War in Iraq

Register Now For Iraq Senator Meetings In Maryland Aug. 28th

Call from to meet with senators from Maryland on August 28th to display concerns about a possible war on Iraq.
Dear friend,

We're happy to announce that you can register now online to
participate in a
meeting with your Senator (or his or her staff) about the war on Iraq.
Thousands of us across the country will personally tell our Senators
deeply concerned we are about the Bush White House's headlong rush to
Please join the effort.

The meetings in your state are:

Senator Paul S. Sarbanes
08/28/02 12:00 PM
100 South Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Senator Barbara A. Mikulski
08/28/02 13:15 PM
1629 Thames Street, Suite 400
Baltimore, MD 21231

You can register in just a minute or two at:

As you know, our nation's leadership is split on whether to go to war.
While Donald Rumsfeld and President Bush wish to launch a "preemptive
strike," Colin Powell and even many of the top generals are against
a war.
They know that the conflict will be dangerous and bloody, and that it
take years.

Many Senators would like to speak up on this issue, but they're
nervous that
their constituents will think they're being unpatriotic or "soft on
terrorism." We can help them realize that we want them to ask hard
questions about the costs of this conflict.

Our country will decide soon whether or not it's going to war. By
participating in a meeting with your Senator, you can help tip the

Register for a meeting in your state at:

We look forward to seeing you at the meetings.


--Eli Pariser
International Campaigns Director
Friday, August 16, 2002

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