News :: Biotechnology
mind control world control
weapons of protracted warfare....switzerland this morning.
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the smog in this pix is manmade, and all across the world now -- it is metallic and more -- it is how the antennae signals are propagated to the end consumer, you.
you are ingesting all that dust there, breathing eating drinking...your conditioning toward electrosensitivity facilitates the broadcast program
the perps say it is energy tech and used to heat the ground and create rain, and those are just aspects of the overall grid -- said grid developed for use on a planet dedicated to ag, not one with people
the bush chimps and their masters are just chimps afterall, idolators of torture devices and primitive drawings of comets....
the radiation they are creating with the sprayed chemicals is many times ionising...bad bad bad for people
if someone takes a valium, the print of their brain pattern changes and is easily discernible, measurable, recordable...
if that particular pattern is then broadcast repetitive and at high power, people become entrained to that pattern, and act like they just took a valium, especially people conditioned to be better receivers through ingestion of metallic particulates.
the incidences of fractured thought are many and taking their toll everywhere,...
this system of control is not American and truly the lulling b4 the culling.......its how to take Americans guns
in places where the population is already helpless, like florida and europe, the people are definitely different and it is like a giant CIA jonestown experiment ... study jonestown you will learn a lot -- this is the bush wet dream of mind control here, they need to be exterminated...their derision and disdain for us is blatant and needs attention soon....they laugh as they sneer and yell: petroleum pollution is not that bad afterall, you see????
dont drink the koolaid.