News :: Crime & Police
the new police
ENMOD is your prison -- in your head.
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Very few people understand the length and breadth of what this new world order government has to lose, and will not allow itself to lose, by something so crass and ineffective as fair elections. The ENMOD technology is fully deployed, and though they say its strictly weather control it is REALLY high power electronic mind control and torture of citizenry, to get you into line. Thats the only thing that makes deployment of their great secrets worthwhile to them, and they just want the nukes hooked up, they wish they were already hooked up, then with all that power to broadcast at people, there would be no problem at all with the populace, none. Sleep.
AND they are using ENMOD to further indebt Americans. The created hurricanes in Florida have caused MONTHLY insurance rates to exceed MONTHLY mortgage payments in many places there!
They are going to run the electronic scam elections again, and there will be violence, and the most change americans can expect are to have the local bullies moved into place, the nazi blood suckers and their paid bulldog-chimps who will gladly trounce the citizenry for a few bucks. Hell, they LIKE to do this, so expect sheriffs who are really thugs to replace the nice guys with types who are ready to use all the deployed homeland security warfare tools against Americans in the name of the bank who owns you.
All the rest in government will stay the same because the voters have been kept too confused to think with ENMOD high energy antennae and chemtrail technologys (Not to mention network TV and pharmaceutical drugs) to even have the wherewithal to insist on write-ins. Expect an increase in that activity directly before and after these next dog and pony show elections. Watch the skies for lines, they are not normal they are made to hurt the way you think.
Heres Proof:
1) Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act 2006 have removed constitutional
protection for US citizens.
2) Torture and Execution of US citizens is now permitted under Presidential
3) FEMA/Homeland Security have established concentration camps in every
state including Alaska and Hawaii with required infrastructure, railways.
4) Perpetual War is in place with an "enemy" who cannot be defined as other
than "terrorist, extremist and axis of evil" with escalations of military
presence in the Middle East and Asia and corresponding joint exercises
involving Iran, China and Russia.
5) Mid-Term Elections occur in November with a compromised congress opening
the door for total martial law, see point 1). In order to suspend the
constitution in it's entirety, a catalyzing event is necessary to
consolidate power for those behind the Bush Administration with Bush as
their dictatorial figurehead.
6) Increasing demand for independent investigations into events like 911 and
7/7 are putting those responsible into a corner and they will want to create
something that will distract the finger pointers long enough to cloak
themselves in some sort of plausible deniability scenario. Legal maneuvers
are already occurring which will be protecting GW Bush from war crimes
7) Oil production is still unsteady and subject to market fluctuations as a
result of news speculations such as impending strikes against Iran which
could include nuclear weapons. The outfall of an artificial or real oil
shortage is the same scenario: the Hegelian dialectic will be implemented in
full force with an oil-dependent populace willingly relinquishing their
freedoms to obtain food, water and shelter in exchange.
8) The secret meetings held by leaders from the US, Canada and Mexico are
helping to push toward their North American Union dream. This plays into the
larger Orwellian vision with large continental nation states (EU, FTAA)
perpetually engaged in war with eachother while achieving a greater degree
of control and conformity among their internal citizens.
9) The eventual goal of a true World Government will be realized so long as
the general populace are subject to mass mind control (media, blind
patriotism etc.) and choose to allow themselves to be manipulated.
10)The fact that all of above is occurring and no one has done anything
about it speaks to the general problem of an apathetic population. Those who
can must wake up and then try to wake up others.
Stolen election AGAIN? Help spark a general strike Nov. 8!
In two more weeks, it will happen again: vote-suppression tactics and uncounted “provisional ballots.” Five to 11 point leads (i.e. in Georgia in ’04) will vanish in a flurry of e-aberrations. If the House and Senate are up for grabs, the formula will simply be moderated. Instead of a four-seat lead for Bush’s e-regime, it will go down to a modest two, plus an eleven-seat lead in the House.
It isn’t a partisan issue. The US is being prevented from evolving.
The stakes are high: Bush now makes the same case against Iran as he did against Iraq. Ranking brass recently exposed Bush’s plan to use nuclear weapons on Iran. Meanwhile, Bush’s use of depleted uranium has poisoned Iraq and Afghanistan for billions of years into the future. The loss of habeus corpus, plus Bush's claimed right to kill US citizens who he decides are "enemies" has many scared. Shouldn’t we turn the tables and put the fear in Bush, instead?
A general strike on November 8 would do just that.
A recent Princeton study showed that one single computer could overthrow an entire national election. Add to that the vote suppression tactics that Greg Palast has documented and you can see that our children’s future is in jeopardy. How many times does that have to happen before we act? If we simply flood out into the streets on Wednesay, Nov. 8 and shut this nation down, it will send a loud, clear message.
Hard-won revolutionary gains are being compromised by Bush and his ilk. Without a normal rotation of officeholders, there is no corrective dynamic. What the people in the Ukraine and Mexico know is that you must prevent a nation from doing business-as-usual when an election is stolen.
Help light the spark! Shut this nation down on Nov. 8 – before it’s too late!